Posting Guidelines

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1: You can post anything and in any of the sites listed up above. Any fan-created content is welcome, such as art, writing, aesthetics, edits, fanmixes and gif sets. There's endless possibilities for what you can post, as long as it adheres to the theme outlined and contains either Finn and Bayley together, or individually. It's not just a celebration of them as a pair specifically, but just of them as well.

2: Everyone is open to participate! No need to sign-up or inquire to take part, you're more than welcome to contribute a piece each day, or for the entire event.

3: Make sure to tag your work as #finnbayleyweek, and #finnbayleyweekinsertyear on Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter so we can see your post and others can browse through the tags and also indulge in your contribution. The blog and other social media accounts linked to it will be posting the content you've created as well.

4: AO3 will have its own collection, specifically for Finn and Bayley Week; same goes for Wattpad, there will be a reading list available with exclusively Finn and Bayley Week content. Links to all of these will be available a week before the event begins.

5: Themes are extremely flexible. If the theme is, say for example "Family", you can go to town with how you interpret it. You can draw Finn and Bayley as a family, you can write about meeting each other's in-laws, or even post photosets of Finn or Bayley and their family, separate from each other. Themes are basically just there to help spark some inspiration for whatever content you wish to create.

6: To respect the personal lives of Finn and Bayley, please refrain from including real-life names of their significant others. In general, we'd like you to focus on just using Finn and Bayley, but if you do want to refer to them by their real names, just please make sure to be respectful when doing so. That means no bashing people using their real names, and especially don't use the real names of non-public figures, like their family and friends.

7: Have fun, please respect everyone's posts and contribution!

Finn and Bayley Week will begin on Jan. 31 - Feb. 6 for the year 2022. Themes coming soon. For further information and preview of themes, checkout:

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