Love's Beginning

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I've lived in the walls for most of my life.

I eat rats and bugs for sustenance. I've forgotten what a shower feels like. I've never been kissed by the gentle rays of sunlight. At night, I cuddle my loving parents after they've drifted off to sleep.

They only see the doll.

My name is Brahms Heelshire.

There was a woman, Greta. She took care of me. Fed me, kissed me, loved me. She told me stories. At night, I cuddled her warm little body and stroked her cute face. Did you know that my  parents killed themselves to be rid of me and my disgusting greasy body? No more mummy and daddy to pray for me. Just the warm embrace of my sweet Greta.

Tears rolled down from my tired eyes and stained the interior of my filthy, filthy porcelain mask. I rubbed the rat feces from my beard as I recalled that fateful day. It was only a year ago. She abandoned me, like they all do. Screamed in terror as I revealed my true form. Wouldn't even give me my goodnight kissy kiss.

I love her. I love her more than mummy and daddy.

The heartache won't stop.

I crawled through the walls like a little spider, just wandering and wandering like I've been for the past year. All I can see in this murky darkness is filth. Dirt, filth, webs, bugs. So many bugs. They crawl all over my face and get in my eyes. Sometimes, I like to like down and let them crawl all over my face, getting in my beard and my mask and my nostrils. I like to stare. Nobody will read me a story.

I was so hungry that I licked the dirt off the walls for sustenance. It tasted alright I don't think the rats like coming here anymore, which made me very sad. Did you know what else I was hungry for? Greta's love. She escaped me. All I wanted was to hold her sweet, cold body in my sweaty arms and lick her lovely face like a dog. I wanted to drink her menstrual blood. I wanted to lick her corpse's bumhole till it was dry. I wanted to suck on her vertebrae and crawl into her corpse and die there. I am so hungry.



The Cat in the Hat had quite enough of that! And "that" was the big, filthy mansion standing in front of him. The ugly boring castle made of plain gray stone. He didn't like it one bit! He stood, hands on his hips, already sadistically planning how he would torment the damned owners of this place. Anyone who thought they could make a place so dull deserved to be ran over and over by his special "big boy" tractor!

Allow me to introduce myself! I am the Cat in the Hat, the big cat who travels around the world spreading "joy" to children. And I'm about to lay the law on the filthy little child who lives in this house! I'll stalk 'em, spy on 'em, and terrify them. Then I will murder their parents.

That's just what I do.

I confidently marched into the mansion with a stern look on my furry little face. "Alright, now! Who's the little rascal who decided this was a good idea?!" I gestured to my dark and dusty surroundings. Now who the hell would pull this kinda stunt? I'd get my paws on them for sure.

I rolled my eyes and reached for one of my many "special items", ready to teach a kid a listen. I walked slowly into the kitchen, where I saw....a really creepy doll.

Its glassy eyes seemed to pierce my soul. Strangely, I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Well...whoever this kid is, it has weird taste," I pondered. Hold on, did I just hear...heavy breathing?



He was the most gorgeous man I've ever seen.

Oh mummy and daddy, I loved him. He was a catlike creature, with a white face like pure snow. His large eyelashes fluttered deviously as he snooped around my home. I loved his cute mischievous little smile so much. He was so freaking fluffy too. It clung to his perfect body. Not too fat, not too buff. Just right! His butt showed a bit through his midnight black fur, and I could see a bit of his cock.

I forgot Greta almost immediately. But then I wondered, would he abandon me? He would never, surely? He was so adorable. Tears welled up again in my eyes, but this time they were tears of joy.. I think I've found my forever daddy.

I observed him as he observed my vessel. He looked...confused, but a bit flustered? I hope so.

Brahms had found someone new to love.

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