Chapter 1

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Spoiler warning for the Jack the Ripper case, but I changed some parts

It was a typical morning at the manor as Ciel was eating his breakfast. Sebastian had to clean the kitchen after Bard tried to prepare today's lunch. It was pretty peaceful compared to other mornings and the young earl enjoyed every minute of it. The only thing that was on his mind, was the jack the ripper case. Tonight, he and Sebastian would catch him and end this series of murders.

When Ciel finished eating, he got up and went to his study to get some paperwork done. On the way upstairs, he heard the loud noises of the servants and he sighed. He hoped they would be quiet for a day, but it seemed that this was impossible.

Ciel entered the study and closed the door behind him. went to his desk and looked out of the window. The garden looked as always, but Ciel checked it every day to be sure that Finny didn't destroy anything.

The young earl then started working on some documents.

The time passed and soon it was night. Sebastian and Ciel stood in an alleyway and made sure that no one would pass. They knew that Jack the ripper would appear sooner or later, even if they had to stay the whole night, Ciel would keep watching.

Suddenly they heard a scream and the earl ran into the room, they were watching. They were too late. Instinctively Sebastian grabbed Ciel, covering his eyes, and pulled him away. Then a figure stepped out of the room, covered in blood.

Madam Reds Butler. Grell Sutcliff. Sebastian had a smirk on his face " that was good acting, pretending to be a hopeless butler" Grell didn't seem to understand until Sebastian said it directly

"I never thought I would meet one on earth. A Reaper. Now Grell was grinning and took off their disguise.

Ciel took Sebastian's hand off his eyes and looked at Grell. He had never seen anything like this, but now he was sure who Jack the Ripper was. His Aunt, Madam Red.

Then she stepped in front of them. She knew to keep her secret, she would have to kill her nephew, but how was she supposed to do this? He was everything she had left.

The Grell started to attack the earl and Sebastian with her Scythe, which was a chain saw. Sebastian was able to protect Ciel and the earl said it "don't let Jack the ripper escape, that's an order!"

Sebastian then attacked Grell and the Reaper pushed Sebastian against a Wall, the Chainsaw close to the demon's shoulder. Nothing could hurt a demon, except a scythe of a grim reaper.

At the same time, Madam Red was attacking Ciel with a knife. She grabbed him by his throat, holding him put to a wall, the knife close to his stomach. Ciel looked over at Sebastian, who was in the same situation as him. How were they supposed to escape and stop Jack the Ripper? Ciel wanted to speak, but couldn't.

Suddenly a scythe came from above and hit Madam Reds' hand and she let go of Ciel. Both were confused and looked around. This even caught Grell's attention and Sebastian could grab Grell and threw them to the ground.

Then someone jumped down "Grell Sutcliff, are you seriously breaking the rules?" asked a pretty young voice. A voice that was familiar to Ciel. Too familiar.

Grell looked at the other and said annoyed " You start to act like Will" the new Shinigami chuckled "because he raises me since I'm a shinigami" then he looked at Ciel with a smile "seems like we both came back from the dead Astre"

Then it hit Ciel " are back," he said with a stern voice. He didn't know what to do, he wanted to never have something to do with Reapers, but now was his childhood friend one of them.

Sebastian, under the impression that this was still his order, started to attack the younger reaper. Richard dodged and jumped back "wow, I never seen a demon before," said Richard with a happy face, that Sebastian confused. Why was he happy while they fought.

While both were occupied, Grell grabbed their chainsaw and killed Madam Red. Ciel stared at what's happening. He was still trying to comprehend the events that took place. Sebastian stopped the fight and instantly went to his young master.

Grell took Madam Reds' soul and Richard attacked Grell. "Do you know how much trouble you are causing?!" yelled Richard while fighting the red-haired reaper. "Oh shut up, we both know that William is going to blame everything on me and you will get nothing but a lecture"

That's when a third reaper appeared and grabbed Grell with his scythe. "Will! You are here to help me" said Grell happily

Will went to Sebastian and bowed down "I have to apologize for the behavior of my reapers, they won't bother you anymore" said Will while swallowing down his pride. "I can't believe I have to bow down in front of a demon" Sebastian watched it amused "then you should keep them on a leash"

Will then grabbed both Reaper and left, Sebastian, did the same with Ciel. The young earl was already done with today and just wanted to sleep, without even realizing he fell asleep in the arms of his butler.

But the earl didn't had a good sleep, he woke up only a couple of hours later in his room. He was sweating from his nightmare and breathing heavily.

Sebastian seemed to have heard him and walked into the room "I'm for disturbing you, but may i ask if everything is alright?" asked the demon

"yes, I'm fine, but i need you to explain something to me" The young early looked at his Butler "Where do reapers come from?"

Sebastian didn't expect this question, but he answered fully honest "if a person takes their own life, they become a reaper as punishment"

Ciel was silent and looked down at his sheets. Now he was completely sure who that one reaper was. It hurts him, but he couldn't hide from the truth.

This reaper, was his former best friend.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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