| Chapter 5 : Stain's Training |

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[ Edited : ✔️ ]


[ 3rd POV ]

"Ugh.." a sound can be heard in the morning of Misaki who is in the middle of doing push ups in the middle of the living room with Stain next to him.

"Your training for the first part will be about speed and strength. You will do exercises in the morning then you will go for a run around this abandoned town to avoid the things that will stop you." Stain started to explain the training for Misaki to do.

Misaki was trying to do push-ups for the morning exercise but keyword : trying. He flopped in the floor because on how many push-ups he did.

"This strength is to get better breathing and speed for the future but after the run you will go around this abandoned town and pick up that tyre that is outside and run around with it until i say stop." Stain finished explaining to Misaki who looked determined.

"Yes sensei, I understand!" He shouted while finishing the last of the push-ups, Stain smirked at his confidence.

"And also you will have to earn your breaks, if I see that your doing something wrong I am doubling it." This made Misaki pale at this statement but ignored with his determination to get through training.

For the first couple of days Misaki started training with Stain, my mentor. It was a painful because of how he was a weak on physical workout. Misaki knew this wouldn't be easy for him but he didn't mind it because he wanted to became stronger.

Everyday Stain would wake him up at 6 : 30 to do stretching and a some flexibility to do training easier. Misaki was forced to do the splits and didn't like it one bit, he knew he couldn't do it but Stain forced him down which made Misaki swallow the pain away down his throat.

When it was 7 : 30 ,Stain would come back with breakfast which was only a bottle of water and an apple. Misaki sulked to the fact that this was the only thing he had to eat every time its breakfast, but he understood for the fact that Stain was a wanted Villain in society so he couldn't get any food.

After breakfast, Stain would make him carry a tyre and run around the block with it but if Misaki ever dropped the tyre on the floor Stain would double the time he would run around with it. You can tell that Misaki had very long hours with running around with a tyre making Misaki feel dead inside.

This training went on until 12 : 45  then he made Misaki want to drop dead by doing this for hours but Stain had other plans for him. Stain would only gave him a 5 minute break and another bottle of water until the 5 minute break was over.

Stain would take Misaki to the other side of the abandoned town, ''Now kid I want you to try to run back to our hide out and avoid all obstacles that will come at you, do you understand this?''

Misaki noded with determination, ''yes Sensei!'' With that Stain disappeared back to the hide out for Misaki to start the course. 'ok... you got this just have to avoid anything that comes at you...'

Thats when Misaki started to run down the neighbourhood trying to spot the traps before they come at him but as he took the first 10 steps. Knifes came at him out of no where, missing him but was lucky it didn't stab him. 'where did the knifes come from?!?'

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