♛ Real Boy♚

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Wrote after listening to a really good song. Also, this is UN-EDITED

"Fuck, i'm so tired," Katsuki groaned as he and Izuku walked down the sidewalk, the grenette nodding.

"I just wanna go back home and take a rest," Izuku muttered as he wiped his tired eyes, his head spinning by the amount of time his eyes kept crossing in the fight of not falling asleep in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Too fuckin' bad we're on the other fucking side of Japan!" Katsuki said sarcastically and Izuku laughed half heartedly at his sentence.

Considering they've been living together for a few years as roommates, Izuku has picked up on a few things that the blond does that he hadn't really seen before when they were in the dorms. A prime example is Katsuki's way of over sharing unnecessary things, most of which are blunt statements. For example, "I'm going to jerk off so don't disturb me" or banging on Izuku's wall to tell him to shut up when he moans too loud. It always leaves Izuku blushing and stuttering out whatever apology or sentence comes to mind. He's also learned that Katsuki has no shame in walking from the bathroom to his room butt naked, walking in on Izuku taking a shower or a dump to brush his teeth like he's not there, and other things that provide more on the vulgar side of Katsuki. 

But Izuku also learned that Katsuki actually makes mistakes when he cooks but is always making meals for the both of them when he tries something new and most of the time they are delicious. Katsuki also wakes up many times during the night to go to the bathroom, keeps hair ties on his wrist with clips on them for his hair, and that he changes his clothes a lot during the day and the summertime is even worse, having to do at least three loads a day from the amount of clothes do to his quirk. And of course, how Katsuki tends to curse an unnecessary amount when he's tiredly frustrated, now being one of those times.

"Then how about we go look for somewhere to stay? I'm sure there should be a hotel or something around these parts," Izuku mumbled as he pulled out his phone from his pocket and searched for a few hotels. However, he haphazardly typed in 'hotels near me' and then proceeded to click on whatever link seemed to have the best reviews before searching for the directions.

"Should just be down the block, Kacchan.They also have service food there so maybe we can get something to eat for the afternoon," Izuku said and Katsuki only hummed as he walked.

About 15 minutes go by until the phone pings and the device tells them that there's destination was on their left and proceeded to enter the hotel, ignoring whatever introduction was given to them as they went to the front desk, Izuku slumping over the marble, sleek, black counter while katsuki had some manners and adjusted his posture, looking around to see how nice it looked. Blue hues decorating the walls of all shades, pale yellow and white furniture, the floor a nice dark forest green and plants decorating the place as final touches along with some vases, fake daffodils as well. Katsuki found pride to know that the meaning behind daffodils was honesty and truth. Though, he finds it a little strange since hotels as luxurious as this would have hydrangeas, symbolizing beauty and grace.

Geez... when did he become such a florist?

"Sir?" The woman on the counter questioned. Katsuki tore his eyes away from where multiple couples conversed and hummed to the receptionist before shaking his head.

"Uh, yeah. Whatever" Katsuki waved her off as if he heard her talking him when he knew nothing at all and he hoped he didn't miss his chance of hearing his room number.

"Ok great! I'll have you two in room 32 on the very top floor! Any... special requests?" She questioned as she smiled brightly at Katsuki since Izuku was just about dozing on the table.

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