Chapter 1

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A/N decided to republish ;) it's my favourite story plot that I came up with :) hope you enjoy it again x

Mollie xx

Edwards POV

"Mr Masen!" Julie called from the upstairs bedroom were my Bella was, "It's time" She appeared from around the corner with a smile sprawled across her face. I stood from my arm chair in the down stairs dining room with my parents by my side.

"Edward!" My mother called after me.

"Yes mother?" I turned from the stairs. She smiled and came up behind me and touched my cheek.

"You will be the best father to this child. You and Bella are so lucky to be blessed with a child. A grandchild who is going to be spoilt rotten!" She smiled before kissing my cheek and pulling her skirt and walking back down the stairs where she was greeted by my father, who gave me a slight nod and took my mother back into the dining room.

Julie led me through to the guest bedroom where the baby would be delivered. Bella's quick pants and groans surrounded me. Doctor Carlisle Cullen was her doctor through her pregnancy, he is a great doctor we couldn't of asked for a better one.

"My love" I gasped as I kissed Bella's sweaty head, she groaned out as another contraction hit her. I placed a damp cloth on her forehead as she struggled to breathe. "Bella breathe, come on love. You can do this."

"I can't" she cried as she clutched onto my arm "It hurts Edward!"

"You can Bella, come on it's time to push." Carlisle encouraged as she shook her head and buried her head in my shirt. "Okay on your next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can, okay?"

She gasped and nodded her head as she panted quickly. Carlisle parted her legs and she cried out again.

"Darling, your okay. Shh, you're okay" I cooed as she cried into my neck.

"Okay Bella on a count of three 1. . . 2. . . 3!" She let out a loud cry as she gritted her teeth together. "Owww" She moaned. I felt like crying with her, seeing my love in pain brought me pain.

I hated it.

"Okay, I can see the baby's head! Your doing great Bella." Carlisle encouraged her to carry on.

Bella gripped hold of my night shirt and tugged on it with all her might and strength. I leant down and touched my lips to her forehead and gave her as much space as possible. I knew child birth was the worst pain of all, and she was under enough stress as it was.

"Edward. . .stay. . ." She panted and brought me back close to her.

"I'm not going anywhere darling"

"Okay Bella 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!" This time she screamed out in pain as the baby's head slowly came from her, she gasped and pulled tighter on my shirt.

"Why are you cursing me with this pain God! Why?" She groaned.

"God cherished us Bella, he cherished us with a child." I whispered soothingly. She twisted and turned in my arms as she pushed and pushed. Until a beautiful cry came around us. I peered over the sheets to find a beautiful pale skinned baby nestled in Carlisle's arms.

He looked up and smiled. "It's a girl."

A girl.

A beautiful baby girl. Bella looked over too and held her arms out, "Please, let me hold her" Carlisle stood gently and placed the baby into Bella's arms. She cried silently as she held her. I nervously leant over to see beautiful green emeralds staring back at me. She inherited my eyes.

"She's beautiful" I whispered and Bella nodded and cried again. "Just like her father" I kissed her gently in the lips before looking down at our daughter again.

"What are we going to name her?" I asked. She looked back at me with a little smile. "How about Belle?" She said.

"Isabelle Elizabeth Masen" I smiled "A perfect fit"

Carlisle had silently left the room as we both said our thanks. Isabelle was the perfect resemblance of her mother except the fact she had my eyes and a little tuft of bronze hair on her head.

I looked over at Bella and she was practically asleep in my arms, "Come here. Pass her to me." I took Isabelle from her arms and Bella fell softly on to the pillow. "Julie could you please take Isabelle while I take Bella to our bedroom?"

"Yes Mr Masen" I handed my gorgeous baby over to Julie and picked my a Bella from the blooded sheets.

"Come on love, lets get you to bed." I gently placed Bella on the bed and tucked her under the sheets and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, Bella. For making me a father" I smiled and switched the lights off.

Once I was back in the guest room, I scooped Belle from Julie's arms and cuddled her to my chest. "I love you Isabelle." I made my way down the main stairwell where my parents sat there impatiently with Carlisle. They saw me stood in the door way and shot from their seats.

"Oh Edward! A beautiful girl!" My mother cried and cradled us both "My Baby is a father!"

"Congratulations Edward" My father patted my back. "What's her name?" Mother asked, stroking Isabelle's cheek.

"Isabelle Elizabeth Mason" I smiled and my mothers eyes bugged from her head and more tears welled in her eyes "After me?"

"Of course mother" I leant down and kissed her cheek, "I love you"

After all the congratulating, Isabelle had fallen asleep in my arms, so I decided to take her upstairs to our bedroom where her crib was. Bella was sound asleep as I crept through the confines of our room, lightly snoring from the bed.

"Good night my precious" I kissed her forehead "I love you little angel" I placed her down into the crib before climbing in next to my Bella. We were a family. A true family.

A/N so what do you think?? New story. should I keep going? Please comment for ideas to improve

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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