It all started when i was 6 years old. Before we were a very happy family. Me,my brothers and our parents. The perfect picture family. father was diagnosed with cancer. Heart cancer. There was no cure as it was last stage of cancer. We were devastated especially mom. I was trying to cheer everyone even though I was in pain but they just misunderstood. They thought I don't care about father. When father died mom started drinking and smoking. When she was too drunk she would even hit me. My brothers weren't there because they were studying in America. They didn't know about mom abusing me. They didn't know how much I suffered. That continued until I was 9 years old. One day I went in the house and saw my mom on the ground with a knife in her stomach and a man on top of her. I was shocked. Terrified to say the least.As soon as the man saw me,he ran away. I was relieved he didn't hurt me. I ran towards mom. I looked at her with teary eyes and told her that I loved her even though she tortured me. She looked at me,caressed my cheek for the last time and she said I love you and sorry for everything she has done to me before closing her eyes. Just as she closed her eyes my brothers walked in. They were shocked and angry. They thought I did it. That I killed her. And thats how my life became hell because of a big misunderstanding. Thats how my brothers started hating me. That's my life story. I am Kim Rania . I am 17 years old and that's how my brothers began to hate me. That's how my life changed to the worst. And it all started with a terrible misunderstanding...
*Present Time*
Dring dring dring
I heard my alarm go off. I yawned while getting up. Another day, another pain. Like everyday i wake up and my body hurts from yesterday's beating. They again were too harsh. But it all started because i broke a glass while washing the dishes. Stupid isn't it?? I think their actions are a bit too much but what can I do?? I love them. I promised mom and dad that i will protect them no matter what so i endure everything they do to me. As i was about to go to the bathroom to get ready, I heard my beloved brother yell..
Jin: Yah bitch!!!! We are going to be late because of you!!!! Hurry your ass up!!!!
Yup...that's my brother Jin. The oldest. I got quickly into the bathroom, went to dress up and do my morning routine as it's still early. After my routine I went downstairs to cook breakfast. I saw my brothers in the living room watching TV. Jin saw me and came towards me.
Jin: Why didn't you come on time??!! I said we'll be late but you didn't listen!!!
Me: But oppa it's still early....
Jin: How dare you talk back and I am not your oppa bitch!!!!!He slapped me. Hard. My inside cheek started bleeding and I had a cut on my lip. Great morning
Jin: Go make breakfast or else you know what
I nodded and went to the kitchen. That's normal for me. Thank god the others didn't do anything or else I would be dead already. Jin is not hurting me physically as the others. He likes manipulating and verbal abuse or for the worst a slap. Anyways let's cook!
After cooking i went in the dining table to serve them. Of course they don't let me eat with them. After all i am nothing to them but just a trash. A maid to serve them and a punching bag for them to take their anger out. I wasn't always nothing to them. I once was their everything. We loved each other and protected each other. But now i should better say that i need to be protected from them.
They all came and started eating but suddenly....they all spat it,as usual...
Jin: what kind of bullshit is this???!!
Namjoon: YOU BITCH!!!!! Are you trying to poison us!!??
Me: N-no o-oppa,why would I!!??
Suga: First of all we are not your oppas.
J-hope: second of all,the food is trash!!!!!
Me: I am sorry....
Jungkook: sorry isn't enough. We warned you but you don't listen. So let's have fun hyungs!!I looked at them scared cause I know what he means by fun. What's fun for them is the contract for my death. They all came to me and beated me up. Well except Jin. He just stood there and watched with a smirk on his face. After half an hour of them beating me they went to school leaving me on the floor in pain and with blood coming out of every part on my body.
Me: god why me?? Why!!? I didn't do anything to deserve this pain!!!! Why do they hate me!!?? I wanna die!!! Daddy take me with you please!!!!
After that I got up and went to my room. I won't go to school today as I am not feeling good and i am still bleeding. I was dragging my body up the stairs but.....

My brothers hate me
Short StoryA young girl with 7 brothers living a nightmare. Will she be able to handle it?? Will her brothers realize how much she loves them and how much THEY love her?? *Important notice* : Some chapters are a bit small. Please consider that it's my first s...