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It is the story of cute little girl..her name is eshaal and she is 5 years old..

a) one day she said to her mother ..mamma i love you,you are my life .and please don't leave me alone whatever situation become...but you don't leave me alone always be with me..her mamma said ..i am always with you..they huge to each other ...what a beautiful moment..but next day they separated together...her mother become divorcee i don't know how..i don't know which situation has to face their mother..who was responsible for this.mother while father .both are responsible..but important point is this eshal is seperater with mother..she was very sensitive and very dishearted because she is so much love with mother i show you about that girl how she live their life without mother and complete their dreams...

now eshaal live with their grandmother and father ..grandmother is very caring ,loving ,supportive and face any problem behind eshaal.but when eshaal is in 2 class the grandmother become paralyzed was severe injury of brain hemorrhage their grandmother don't speak properly and stock on their right hand side..but she don't give up..she completed their matriculation with lookaftering their grandmother always take care him..after matric she admissioned in FSC(PRE-MEDICAL) because her father and grandmother wanted that she become a doctor and it was also eshaal keen desire and aim of life..but in 11 class their grandmother passed away..again she lost their mom because their grand mother is like thier own mother..she love him so much..she share everything with granmother..she started to write a diary and now eveything she share with in diary ..she face all problems and completed their intermerediate and start prearation of entry test of medical the day was become she reach their center of test ..when the test is ging to start she remind all words of their relatives(father ,grandmother and their anty)anty (tae ammi)she also wanted to become eshaal a doctor but anty is not alive but last time before their death she said to eshaal that she wanted to see her as a the time is start to their test ..test was very awesome ..eshaal was very happy ..because she fullfill all their family dreams .but she was not selected for mbbs..all hopes is become tears she was very devastated and dishearted ..she crying ..and become very shock about it because she was a very hard working for test all know about their pakistan syestem..bogus system..but she again stand up and now she try another way..she wanted to attach DR with eshaal..and now she start again hardworking..she completed their bachelors degree in she taken admission in masters after completing their masters degree ..their father said about their wedding .father was very worried about her.but eshaal not ready for believe any person because she face many problems in life she was very disappointed because this evil world this world every person get benefit to fall other person.and live a happy life.she was not ready for wedding but wedding is important in life and every girl has to feel this pain..she said to her father YES for wedding..but she continue their was very difficult to continue their studies after wedding..but ALLAH is a best planer ,best creater ,GOD send to angel for him in the form of their husband her husband was very supportive very kind hearted ,caring and give so much love to eshaal ..even she change their all the day was become she become SHE BECOME DR ESHAAL by completing their PHD DEGREE and she complete their all dreams .also their father,grandmother ,anty (tae ammi).and all family members..and she is a successfull women just because of believe in ALLAH...HE KNOWS VERY WELL AND BEST PLANER OF LIFE....

I talk to all those peoples who read this story that ..MBBS is not a life if you want a success ..try another way and one thing is remember in your mind that I CAN DO hard work with believe in ALLAH you will see that all doors are open for you..AND YOU GET A WONERFULL SUCCESS..


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