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People say RELATIONSHIPS are hurtful (indeed they are) , they don't work, they cheat, they are not sincere, they are cannot love u as they don't know you personally. Then how did he loved her sincerely, he loved her because love is unpredictable, love is uncontrollable ,love is a magic which happened to be with you in the form of a person .

As story begins, there was a sweet, childish and beautiful girl wo works as a librarian and on the opposite side there was a man who was rich, arrogant and handsome enough to make girls his own...ah! its difficult to say that there wont be any love rivals in between so,

                                                     Anyway, between them there was a conflict about an expensive book which was very famous but the copies were not available in the library but he want the same book for his business purpose and even she want to read but a normal librarian can't afford it so she secretly took the book and kept it in a drawer but as our main lead know that the girl took it he was really annoyed and  wanted the book desperately so he just thought to pretend as her lover so that he could take the book and start the production in his business and become a millionaire as the book contains some special codes for business .

So, he tried a lot to get close to her by acting sweet, caring and loving but the girl was very sweet and childish so he wasn't really liking her but then as the girl was childish she said yes to him and then he pretended to be a couple with her but as said lies cannot be hidden forever, so after almost 2 weeks when he was talking on the phone to his friend and said him that: "I..I am just time passing with her i just want the book....I just cannot bare her anymore " she was standing behind him and listening everything said for her quietly and then the glass from hand fell down and broke into pieces exactly like her heart. He turned around and got shook he said :" Yes...what u just heard was true...but....".After this she went to her room and brought the book and throw it on to his face and said: "Its just a book take it and get lost maybe for you I am just a childish girl but for my parents I am their princess , maybe for you I am boring but for my friends I am their life, maybe for you I am just annoying but for some I am attractive, here is your book take this and leave never come back to me.....I wasn't doing any crime I was just loving you as much as I could then why i got punished with your cheating". After this she said only 6 words and left in the rainy night, the words were "MAYBE.... WE WERE NOT MEANT TO BE".

As soon as she left he was angry , sad but was not aware of why he was sad after she left after that , she was missed by him in every single activity and then soon realized that actually He was in love with her Childishness, Foolishness and Sweetness that he could not wait and went directly to the library. But saw her with his business rival and went back home thinking that she might be more happy with him than me. But She was actually waiting for him to come back and take her away with him but he was thinking something else and decided to part ways but as said "LOVE IS PURE AND IRREPLACABLE".

                                                                             ["AFTER 6 MONTHS"]

Both met on a wedding , and during the wedding both were staring at each other , in other words praising each other with their eyes. And emotions cannot be controlled , so they came close to each other and asked " Are you okay?....How have you been?.....Had dinner?...praised a little " and then asked each other what they wanted to ask each other from last 6 months "ARE YOU SINGLE?" Both immediately replied: "YES". Both already waited for each other for 6 months and could not resist anymore so He finally said her what he wanted to say from last 6 months :"I was selfish, idiot, arrogant and a cheater as well but could you please forgive and handle this man in the future?...Because this man is in love from past 6 months and cannot wait anymore to handover him to his princess.....Would you please?" she replied :"I always loved you whole heartedly but you...." [HUGGED HER] and said :"Love me always as u did till now ....you can hate me too as I deserve it....BUT JUST DON'T LEAVE ME..PLEASE"[HUGGED HIM EVEN TIGHTER] and they got ended TOGETHER HAPPILY.  

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