Stay With Me

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* I reccomend listening to Ed Sheeran's cover of Stay With Me while reading *

        "Well, why are you even here?! If you're done with me then why does it matter to you if I'm done with me too?" She asked him, looking over the edge at the city below. She had been pondering about the end for a few months, but he was always there to keep her going. But now that he had given up on her and she was all alone in this goddamn helpless world, she started to let her thoughts of not being there at all was better than suffering all the time consume her. At least if she was dead, she wouldn't end up wasting her days away drowning herself in antidepressants and alcohol. After all, she was always taught to take charge in less than ideal situations. He sighed, turning his gaze away from her tear-streaked face. He couldn't ever stand to see her like this, that's why he lefther in the first place, he couldn't deal with her constant pain that hurt him to watch. Yet now, seeing it and knowing that it was his fault, he instantly regretted ever even considering leaving her like this. He knew with every cell in his body that he had made a mistake.

        "I was upset when I said the things I did. I wasn't thinking straight, but as soon as I left I knew I couldn't live without you. Without you I'm not truely living. Without you I'm only half a heart. Come on. Come off the ledge. We can go back to the beginning when there was no doubt in our minds that we were in love and we would be together until the end of time. I'm in love with you and all your little things. Please don't leave me,"  he gushed. He needed to get everything out incase she decided that she didn't want to listen and jump in the middle of a sentence. But she did, she did want to listen because his voice was her favorite sound in the world. She would never consider interupting his beautiful voice. His voice soothed her at her most desperate of times. That's why she was so calm when she said,

        "You're lying," and slid off the edge, falling gracefully to the crowded street below. And as soon as she hit the ground he found himself in bed, gasping for air, and covered in cold sweat. He stumbled out of bed, grabbed his coat and keys, and drove quickly to her apartment at which he used to spend so much of his time.

        He still had her spare key, luckily, so he rushed right in. He made his way around until he found her passed out in her room on "his" side of the bed. Oh how he missed the days that he claimed that side as his own. He walked back out of her room and went to the living room. 4:27 the clock read. She had to be at work by 6:30, so she always woke up at 5. He decided to make her breakfast in bed. He wanted to do anything to let her know that he made a mistake and he knew it. He made French toast and scrambled eggs, her two favorite breakfast foods.

        When 5 finally rolled around, he put the food on a tray along with a glass of milk. He quietly walked up the stairs, carefully opened the door, quickly set the food down, and went to gently wake her up. As he approached her, he saw an empty medicine bottle on the nightstand next to her. He recognized it as the antidepressants that she had gotten refilled only two days prior. He ran to her side, carresed her cheek and started to sob.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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