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Marinette POV:

'Marinette we just don't work'

That was the last thing he said before he left, I thought we would last forever. I haven't loved anyone else but him and I don't think that will change.

Now here I am, crying over some stupid boy who probably never loved me anyways. Why did I think we would last? All of our fights were over something stupid and could have been solved easily. But no, we always take it the hard way.

'God you don't care about anyone but yourself!' He yelled.

'What are you talking about I care about you! You just can't seem to get it through your head because your always checking out other girls' Tears stream down my face.

'Don't act like you never checked out a guy before!' Dosn't that mean that he admits it..? I hate him.

'So you admit to it?' I rasied an eyebrow, 'I was sitting her thinking that you were gonna say 'no of course not baby I would never do that to you' but I guess I was wrong.'

He walked out and slammed the door, I heard my phone beep so I picked it up and grabbed it.

Luka: I love you:( Forgive me?

Maybe he means it this time..

Mari: Yes, I love you.

You could say our relationship was kinda toxic, okay maybe it was.

But I always found it in my heart to forgive him, a lot of people say a I'm too forgiving but I'm pretty sure thats not true.

Okay maybe I'm forgiving but how can you say no to him? Every time I say no I end up saying yes in the end..

Yeah um thats toxic.

Anyways,Im still crying and I still have school tomorrow. My mascara is all over my face and I look like I got ran over.

I need to sleep.

I put on a random pair of shorts and a shirt, I'm a mess.

I put on hair into a ponytail and I went to bed.

~ ~ ~

The sound of alarm is killing me slowly.

Who likes to wake to the sound of a LOUD alarm? Definitely not me.

I rolled over and.....


If your so curious to hear what happend to me, I FELL off my bed.

I think I broke something, probably my butt.

I'm going to be late again.

I'm known for being late, like I always end up being late to every one of my classes everyday.

You want to know what I'm wearing? No? Too bad.

I'm wearing my favorite plaid skirt with a sweater tucked into it, black boots and a black and gold purse.

I'm wearing my favorite plaid skirt with a sweater tucked into it, black boots and  a black and gold purse

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I brushed my teeth , did my makeup and headed off for school.

I don't want to be here.

Someone please tell be if this is bad or not. You can be completely honest with me I don't mind at all! The following chapters will have more than 500 words, it wll probably have 1000. I'll try to update very Wednesday and Saturday! See you guys!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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