1 || Introduction Pt. 1

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The city of Kladena was built near a wondrous and peaceful beach. It has an extremely haunted lighthouse out of the city, toward the west end of the city. The city was huge, with tall buildings and strong structures. 

The apartments and hotels are under 5 stories tall, there are only two skyscrapers, however, those are of work placements. Some houses are within the cities limits while the rest has stretched toward the east, very few have ever been around the lighthouse. 

It has been a popular attraction for tourists and visitors. You could say it's a city full of culture. However, what all cities have in common is the rate of crime and theft. The City of Kladena has a high rate of theft and crime in general and then they are two separate secret agencies, one being the top agency than the other.

At the Kladena airport, a girl with golden blonde-brown straight long hair has just returned to the city, where she called home, after returning to her hometown since apparently her twin sister Rosaliya Lilliana Palladium or Lily her sister usually goes by the nickname Lily, wanted her to join her. Heck why she cared for her. the girl was relieved that she is back. She hated being stuck in nature a whole lot, even though it maybe beautiful. At least she got to learn more of her own private mission. 

The Girl sighed as she got off the plane. Pulled her travel suitcase behind her, out of the terminal and was wearing a shoulder strap bag over her shoulder. She just got back from visiting her homeland Ryfemel, the home of the elves. 

She walked out of the gated area and down toward the front entrance of the airport, where travellers enter and visitors exit. The girl wore a blue-grey jacket, underneath a white-pink blouse, following blue jeans which overlapped with light brown knee-high boots.  Quite delicately. For a quick second if someone were to pass by her, or a starer. they would notice her long pointed ears. As she swiped her hair away from her ear, when it goes back down. 

The girl didn't stop until she passed through the two automatic sliding doors. Upon doing so, she briefly removed her hand from her suitcase beside her, as she searched her over the shoulder, shoulder bag for her phone. After she removed her phone from her bag she slipped it over her shoulder once more. Her phone is the Google Pixel 5.

She swiped to the locked screen and unlocked it, with her password. She then went to the messages app and texted one of her friends.  Jinx Audra. To come to pick her up at the airport.

Her phone dinged with a reply back and looked at it and she read it out loud "relax Rose, I will be there shortly, I'm just stuck in traffic" 

Rosalie rolled her eyes and texted back. "okay, see you soon" she spoke the reply back to herself.

She put her phone back into her bag and grabbed her suitcase handle and pulled it off to a nearby bench to sit on while she waits for her friend to get to the airport.

Upon sitting on a bench, Rosalie just let out a huge sigh. Hitting her hand on the edge of the seat of the concrete bench. "I guess, I'll have to wait for my friend to get here?" she snorted. rolling her eyes. "I don't blame her, I blame the traffic in the city" 

Rosalie took out her phone from her bag and checked her social media while waiting. No one has ever recognized that she was an experienced secret agent, or even mentioned it. Rosalie chose not to discuss or bring it up to anyone. Suddenly she got a text, while one of her social media's from a friend or so she thought was.  While surfing the bluebird app, but when Rosalie tapped on her messages. 

Her eyelids grew wide.

Noticing the picture of an old friend. The profile picture had a pale girl smiling with a dark brunette-Reddish-burgundy, with two greyish-black highlights that were framing her face. Rosalie's face became ghostly white. She didn't bother opening up the message, she can clearly see that the girl mentioned "Secret Agent..." 

Rosalie soon shook her head out in reality, seeing that Jinx's black jeep, was entering the airport. She turned off her phone and put it away in her bag, ignoring this message, for now. She stood up, grabbed ahold of her suitcase hand and raced toward the curb of the pickup and dropoff line. 

Once Jinx pulled up and parked the vehicle. So Rosalie can open the doors, first, she opened up the backseat door to the right side of the vehicle, to put her luggage in. she clicked down her handle and picked it up and heaved it onto the seat while adjusting her bag over her shoulder. She closed the door shut and got into the passenger seat, looking at Jinx with a light smile. "you are late" she smirked transferring her bag with her left hand, before holding onto the built-in handle of the inside of the car door and slamming it shut.

Jinx blinked. "I already told you, in a message I was stuck in a traffic jam" she spoke annoyed at her friend.

Rosalie sighed, while doing up her seatbelt, clicking into place. "let's just go home" she waved it off, resting her bag at her feet on the map.

That both of them agreed and Jinx shifted the car into drive and the she pulled out onto the small lane and drove out of the airport front parking and out of the Airport, in the direction to the city.

too be continued...

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