Chapter 1- Less then 24 hours

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Less then 24 hours until the big "Bad Bleep Squad" Trip to.. drumroll please... THE BIG APPLE!! Aka New York City if we're being specific. But where are we in this timeline of the trip you may be wondering? Well the year 2025 the squad graduated high school (All in different schools as that was once the group chat name) , not all together but graduated still. But the group have never been in a trip together ever and now all of them being adults (meaning Sabine 19, Ashley 18, Victoria 18 and Sara 17 "She's the baby of the group") they convinced all there parents to allowing this trip to happen and it's so very exciting.
Anyways let's get back to our story.
Its June 22nd 2025 and the next day at 12 o'clock pm they leave off to there flight to New York. The day before the 22nd Sabine, Victoria and Ashley took on a road-trip up Orlando where Sara moved to fly together at the Orlando airport which in my opinion was dumb cause Sara could have just drove but flight tickets were less expensive so I guess it wasn't dumb. But drove to there destination which let's say the road trip was a whole different story but made it and you won't believe what happened. "FUCK YAA!!" Ashley coming out of the back seat swinging the rental car open. "Ashley chill it's a rental." Sabine states coming out the drivers seat. "For real Ashley you break it you pay for it", Victoria getting our from the front passenger seat laughing. "AAAAAAAA!!", Sara screaming coming out of her house. "We made it out alive", Victoria standing out. "What you guys doing group hug", Sabine announcing and the Bad Bleep Squad taking there first ever hug since middle school all together. "It only took all of High School but we did it", Ashley tearing up. "Oh Ashley don't even start", Victoria states while wiping a tear off but proceeded to laugh. "Oh look at you guys all together.", Sara's mom comes out after hearing the big sound of screams and smiling. Everyone proceeds to laughing and smiling. "You guys can keep ur luggage's in the living room if you need, there's plenty enough space here", Sara's mom states. "Haha love you idea but..", Ashley smiling looking straight at Sabine. "We have a lot of baggage", Victoria states. "When she means we, we mean Sabine", Ashley walking next to Victoria laughing. "Wait what, that is not true!!", Sabine defending her self. "But it's fine we can keep them in the car, it took us a good hour to put them in there but our bag has a change of clothes and the basic necessities.", Victoria states. "Okay we'll then get in I was gonna postmates us some foods so I need y'all orders like now", Sara walking back inside. "Oo yes food", Ashley walking behind Sara with her mom following along. "I have been soo hungry", Sabine walking inside with them. "I know what you mean", Ashley looking back. "I will be there in a sec but gotta get something from the car", Victoria states going back to the car. "Kk", Sara states. Victoria went back to get her phone out of the car which she does. She gets to the car but then notices a voicemail message from a unknown number in her notifications. "Hmm that's weird", Victoria confused about it but decides to listens to it. She plays the music but all you here is static and and the last 2 seconds says "Foreign language". "That's really creepy, why did I just get chills...", Victoria blacks out falling to the ground. Ashley hears a sudden noise runs outside and sees Victoria on the ground screams for the girls for help. "VICTORIA JUST FELL TO THE GROUND!!," Ashley running to her following Sabine, Sara and her mom rushing to her help. Sabine and Ashley carrying Victoria inside to a couch. "What happened did you see anything", Sara states looking very concerned. "I have no idea, she was seemed normal", Ashley states. "Let's just keep her rested she told me she was kinda stressed", Sabines states. "Really with what", Ashley asks. "With college and stuff", Sabine reply's back. "Yea maybe she was overwhelmed or something, let's just keep her here until she wakes up but I need y'all to finish ordering. Oh and order for Victoria maybe once she wakes up they'll be food ready for her." Sara states. "You got it", Ashley states. 30 minutes passes by and Victoria finally wakes up. "What?", Victoria slowly waking up. "Omg finally!", Ashely states putting her fork with pasta down. "That's a little harsh", Sabine stink eyeing her putting the garlic bread down. "You know what I mean, how you feeling", Ashley getting up going to Victoria side. "Sara get over here Victoria woke up", Ashley yelling Sara to get out of the Bathroom. The bathroom door opens and Sara comes running out. "Sorry that pasta went down the wrong pipe. Victoria how are you feeling", Sara rushes to Victoria's side. "I am fine I don't remember what happened but I am fine, I am hungry though", Victoria fully awake looks oddly normal. "Yea I am sure your hungry. We ordered Olive Gardens per Ashley's request", Sara states. "Y'all owe me", Ashley says. "Yea Yea what ever", Sabine says. "We order your go to from Olive Gardens well at least what we thought you would like", Sabine states. "Thanks guys I am fine though so no babying me", Victoria gets fully up. "But it was intense we didn't know if we should have called the ambulance or something", Sara states. "Yeah it's was very not you. I never heard of you ever fainting without warning", Ashley states. "You guys I am very fine okay", Victoria reassuring to everyone. "Okay eat then", Sara states. "I will I still need to get my bag from the car", Victoria getting up. "Okay I can come and help you okay. Just to make sure nothing bad happens again.", Ashley states and everyone agreeing with her. "Let's go then.", Victoria fully standing and walking back outside. While Ashley and Victoria walks out together a couple with a dog comes walking and Ashley staying "Imma stand here near the door if it's fine", Ashley's retreating back to the porch as she's scared of dogs. "Haha the dogs.", Victoria turning around and grabs her bag walks back towards the house. Walking together to the house Victoria stops halfway to the door and gets chills. "You good?", Ashley looking back. "Yea yea, less then 24 hours right!", Victoria smiles

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