The Flashback

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I walk to the cafe, keeping my hood low upon my head. I try not to draw any attention to myself as I sit at one of the cafe tables in the corner. The one I had meant to meet walked in the same way I had. He sat down across from me, looking up slowly. He spoke to me. "It's me, Lukas." I responded by saying, "Hello, Lukas. It is good to see you again." He seemed unnerved by the confidence with which I spoke. I lowered my hood slowly, revealing my bright eyes. One was green and the other was purple. This came to be because of a genetic mutation among the people of Earth. I had been out among the streets of New York, walking to the very cafe we were sitting at, only for a different reason. I used to work at this cafe. Now, though, it was run by robots. I began to speak to Lukas, who recently flew in from space, explaining his mission and reminding him of the situation. As I did so, I fell into a flashback to that very day.

It was a beautiful winter day. I had always preferred winter, it made the world look gray and it was always stormy. I loved storms. That was why my parents named me Stormi, after all. They must have known. I walked to work like every other day. I had begun to fall into a routine, and with it came a feeling of depression, or a longing for something more. That day, I felt something different. I liked different. I was always different, and mocked for it. I had dark red hair, but not "ginger" red hair. It was a dark blood-red. I originally had blue eyes as well. I looked "fierce", as most people said. But anyways, I was walking to work and I decided to look up at the sky. The sky had turned red. I looked around the street to see if anyone else had seen it. People were running around in terror, and I saw several people lying motionless on the floor. Instead of running or feeling scared, I felt adrenaline, as if I was made for this type of situation. I began to check the bodies. They were dead. Their faces were bloody and bodies mutilated. The streets ran red with blood. People fell to the ground left and right, bloody and unrecognizable. I quickly noticed that it was mostly those with exposed body parts. I wrapped the scarf I had around my mouth and nose, and pulled my hood low so that only my eyes were showing. I walked faster, and I began to notice darts flying through the sky, striking people and making them fall to the ground, with the same terrified look and bloody wounds. I immediately found cover with about a dozen other people, all looking as unusual as I did. There was a man of about 21 with white-blond hair and gray eyes. He and I made eye contact, and I felt something spark. I pushed it down, as this was about survival, not "love at first sight". He said his name was Lukas. I told him that my name was Stormi. All of the people in shelters managed to communicate and form an alliance to find out who created these deadly weapons and stop them from continuing to use them. There were 12-30 people in each shelter, and they were all ages. Lukas and I took charge, being the most physically strong and capable of managing and planning attacks. It turned out that we both thought the same way. We split people into groups. Lukas and I each took a group of about 10 people, all scientists, to work on ways that we could genetically modify our bodies to become immune to this virus, as we had identified it. They eventually found a way to complete the modification, but it left the subjects of the modification with rare heterochromia. I got green and purple eyes, and Lukas got gray and blue. The rest of the survivors, after getting their immunity, began to build robots to take over old jobs of the newly deceased people. We realized, after intense research, that the government had decided to attempt to scare people into complying with their views and ideals. Instead, they had managed to kill off half of New York's population, and scare the rest into hiding. They sent out people in futuristic ships to scout the area, but always came up with nothing. We found ways to camouflage our bases. We kept working for a cure for this disease. We called this virus the "governmental force system".

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