It's so over

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It was three weeks since Meredith and Derek said they couldn't do it anymore. Derek had gone and asked out Rose hours after he had broken up with Mer, and she was secretly hurt. She loved him so much, but she couldn't trust him. No matter how hard she tried, she just wasn't able to. Although she said she couldn't trust him, it didn't mean that she wanted to be without him. All she wanted to do was be in a relationship with him and take it slowly, building up the trust. But no, Derek wanted things to move like lightning. Get married. Build the dream house. Have kids. Grow old together. And mer just wasn't ready.

Meredith POV:
Another day in the hospital meant another day of me having to see his arm around her waist. The arm that had been firmly around my own waist for a long time. I loved the little things he would do when he was with me. Play with my hair. Hug me when he knew I needed comfort. Even looking at me with his mcdreamy eyes made me feel safe. But now I had to watch him do all those things with her. Rose. Rose. Rose.
I always hated the name Rose. I don't really know why I did up until this moment. Maybe it was me in a past life, warning myself that someone called 'Rose' would be the one to watch. But I loved roses. Derek used to buy me those flowers all the time. Ugh, now I'm gonna hate roses! Another thing she has ruined! Who am I kidding? It was me that had called off things with Derek really anyway. I had decided to go to therapy because three weeks of not being able to sleep well was not good for me. Let's not forget my patients! I hadn't actually said anything in the sessions but even the thought of opening up to someone made me want to run away. I just came out of therapy and was studying some of the patients charts when I heard the elevator ding. I looked across the corridor to see Derek and Rose holding hands. This made me feel sick. I had to run to the bathroom and just managed to get to toilet before I threw up. Even for me, I felt this was a bit dramatic. But just seeing them together made me feel uneasy.

Dereks POV:
Today, I thought to myself, is going to be a great day. Another day full of surgeries and then going out with Rose. Rose. Rose. Meredith's favourite flowers were roses. I remember getting them for her on her birthday, then Valentine's Day then just any time I felt like treating her. Oh god what am I doing! Here I am in bed, with a wonderful woman and I'm thinking about Meredith! With all these thoughts in my head, I decided to get up and have a quick shower to get ready for work. Rose had just rolled over as I got out of bed and murmured something like you're leaving without saying goodbye, and I laughed and turned towards her and said " You're the one that should be saying goodbye. Doesn't your shift start at 5 as well?" . The look on Roses face when she looked at the clock and saw she only had 30 minutes to get to work was priceless. She threw a pillow at me and I stared laughing and she jumped out of bed to get ready quickly.
We had gone together in the car to the hospital and just managed to arrive on time. We ran into the elevator and both went to press for floor 5. Our hands touched and I turned around and smiled at her as she pressed the button. I grabbed her hand and held it tightly as we went up the elevator. The doors opened and the first thing I saw was Meredith standing at the other end of the corridor, reading, probably catching up on some patient charts. I knew she saw me but she quickly looked back down at her charts, hoping that I didn't see her looking at me. Then all of a sudden, she just ran off down the corridor, towards the bathroom. Very weird, even for Meredith, I whispered to myself.
Or so I thought. But then I heard a "what did you say" coming from beside me and I realised I had actually said that out loud. And also that me and had Rose had just been standing there for at least a minute, still holding hands. I turned to her and said " nothing, it doesn't matter" with a slight chuckle, hoping that she just heard noises and not part of what I said. I leant down slightly and kissed her cheek and wished her a good day at work, and walked towards the OR board to check the surgeries I had scheduled today.

<<<<<This is my first book, and i hoped you liked this first chapter! I hope you enjoy it :)  Will keep updating if people start to read it

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