~The beginning of something new~

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It all started when I was really young, my dad and brother we're always so protective over me. I understand I was small sensitive, But I am not anymore. I am a woman now. Older and Wiser, and still at this verry moment I am not even allowed to leave the house. I hate it. Since I was 7, I was never allowed to leave. Only at night or with my brother or his best friend Dream. But he said it was okay if I call him Clay. But either way I really like the name Dream. He was always there for me. When I fell out of the tree and broke my wrist, when I had my first heartbroken, when I started to get my nightmares... I know he is a verry overprotective guy but he is like... Like a real brother to me. Which I love. When I was fourteen two guys moved in not so far away from us. I was never allowed to go there because my brothers said it was too dangerous... I heard a lot of loughs and cheerful music. Sometimes I just sat outside my window listening to them. I learned their names, Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit. But like I said before my brothers never allowed me to see them. Months passed and well. things went wrong. I started to get more nightmares but... Both of my brothers we're never there. It was my dad who got me threw it these times. They we're al so busy with getting into arguments about some stupid disks. That they started to forget about me. And I know they would never say it. But I know they forgot about me. they even forgot my fifteen birthday... Dad and Niki.. our neighbor, they we're the only people present... Dad said that I could go out when I was too much awake after again one of those nightmares. That was when I met her. When I met my best friend. She is amazing and understands so much... I really don't think I could go on without her. She helps me a lot. She even has her own bakery! Sometimes she lets me help her make Cookies and bread. I never know I would like it that much. But actually, I did. Sometimes I was in the bakery when people arrived to get some bread... I saw Tommy walk in a few times, he is really funny but also really loud as well, most of the time he was with a boy he had brown fluffy hair and was wearing a green shirt with blue trousers. He even had a bee clip in his hair! I learned that his name was Tubbo and he also lived in L'manburg. Niki was also a member of it but well Tommy wasn't too happy about it because he said and I quote "She is a woman". Which I found verry funny. I also learned about Fundy. Which was apparently Wilbur's son? But ehm... He had him a with a salmon? I don't really know it is quite a weird story if I think about it. It's just that I learned a lot the times when I was with Nikki. I still wasn't allowed to go outside but my dad did allow me to stay with Niki at the bakery. And that did make me verry happy. She actually made me happier than I ever felt. I think that there is a war going on.. But no-one wants to tell me. My brothers are always gone and well Niki.. She says that I don't need to worry about it and that it will be alright. It makes me scared... I hear them. I can see L'manburg from outside my window.. I can see the hotdog-van verry clearly.. I hear them talk, even yelling sometimes. And that's the thing.. I hate loud noises.. I can't stand them for some reason, they freak me out. I was sitting with my legs hanging out of the window when I heard a small knock on my door. "Yes?". I answered with a soft voice. "It's me." he said. I smiled. Only that was enough to make me smile. I knew exactly who that was. I jumped back into my room, swung my door open and hugged him really tightly. "Dream... It's you. Finally! Do you know how much I missed you??". He knew it.. He knew that I missed him so much, he knew that I thought he left me. "I'm sorry princess.. You know I didn't mean to leave you and that I would always come back, right?". I nodded a little. I mean yeah.. I know that he wasn't going to fully leave me but, him not being here as much as he was before did hurt me a lot actually. "What's happening outside? And don't baby me, and say don't worry about it. I know that a war is going to happen.. So please just tell me what's going on. I want to help." He signed. Only with that I knew that he knew that I meant it. I wanted to help. I wanted to help him and my brother. Even those other guys I never really met. "Princess you know well enough that I can't allow you to fight with us." He answered me with his intimidated voice. I didn't like it when he talked like that.. It was rather scary then sweet. "But.. I will tell you what's going on" I smiled. I liked that I still could be involved in some way. "So, you know about Wilbur and Tommy?". I nodded. "Well, they want to have their own land. Their own place. They want independence. Here in our land." He continued. "And that's a bad thing?" I asked with a confused tone in my voice. "Yes, yes, it is Cher. Remember that this is our land. Our peaceful land and they want to take that away from us." I nodded, I understood him. I have lived here for fourteen years now. This was and is my home.. "So now we are going to fight. Fight for our land.. Fight for your safety." He smiled and placed his hand on my cheek. "But what if you and Sapnap get killed for some reason.. I don't want you guys to lose a life.. You only have three of them and mom..". I looked down. I hated thinking about that. Thinking about my mom.. "Hey Cher look at me." He took my chin and made me look at him. "hmm.." That was the only thing I could answer, I hated it so much. "Cher I will be careful me and Sapnap, we both." "Do you promise me?" I looked up now I stared directly into his emerald-colored eyes. "Yes Cher, I promise. We will be careful." "What about that Tommy? He is also just a kid like me.." "I won't harm him. I promise you little girl." I smiled. I believed him, bot oh boy how could I be so wrong.


I hope you guys liked the first chapter, If you saw some mistakes please tell me and i try to fix them. See you guys soon on a new chapter.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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