Damon and Elena - My Version of Tonight's Episode 4x11

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Author's Note: Hey guys, so I just felt like writing a VERY BRIEF version of episode 4x11 today because the episode airs tonight! I'm really excited, and this is how I want the episode to turn out...there's heavy focus on Damon and Elena for all you Delena fans :) It's all written in Elena's POV, by the way. 

Chapter 1: Back to the Lakehouse 

"Listen carefully. Get in your car, right now. Come to me." 

I couldn't get Damon's words out of my mind. After telling him that I loved him, all I wanted was to get to the lakehouse and be with him. Finally, he was letting me come to him. I accelerated and smiled to myself. I was only  fifteen minutes away now, and I could already see him waiting for me, in his black leather jacket and trademark smirk. Two days away from him was much too long! My mind was flooded with thoughts of Damon that I completely forgot that I'd be seeing Jeremy and Matt as well. Jeremy...I hoped that he was okay and that the vampire-hunting training was going well. I wasn't too nervous, I trusted Damon completely. 

"Damon," I sighed aloud, yearning for him. Just then I realized that I was turning into the driveway of the lakehouse. My heart began to race - I could already hear his sweet voice from inside the house. Just then, my phone beeped and I looked down to see a text message from Damon. 

"Are you almost here? I miss you," it said. I almost started crying tears of joy when I read it. I just responded, "Come outside."

I got out of my car quickly, and ran at vampire-speed to Damon, who was descending the stairs with a huge grin on his face. I threw my arms around him buried my face in his neck, "I love you, Damon!" I heard him sigh happily and he responded, jokingly, "Took you long enough." We both laughed, and he looked so happy that I couldn't resist any longer. I pushed him against the wall of the house and kissed him passionately, while running my fingers through his soft, black hair. He held me in his arms tighter and whispered, "Elena..." He trailed off as I brought his lips back down to mine. His lips moved down my neck and I brought his face back to meet mine.

I looked into his beautiful, blue eyes and said, "Damon, don't even think about sending me back to Mystic Falls unless you're planning on coming with me."

"Elena - " he protested.

I immediately quietened him by pressing my lips against his and then gently bringing his head down so that I could whisper in his ear, "Damon, I'm telling you - the sire bond doesn't affect emotion...I really love you. Please don't fight it; I hate not being with you."

Those words broke him. He wrapped me in his arms, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that to me. I love you, Elena."

I smiled, "I know, Damon."

I did know that. He had told me countless times how much he cared about me, and I had ignored it. I had ignored everything I'd felt for him, but I couldn't anymore. It was so strong, and I needed him. I loved him.

We sat on the bench and caught up with each other. Damon pulled me onto his lap and I continued to kiss him. I rest my head on his shoulder and he rubbed my back and said, "Elena, we need to talk about the whole vampire-hunting business."

"Mmm...can that wait a bit?" I brought his lips to mine and the warmth was so comforting. I was in my own little world, and had completely forgotten that Jeremy and Matt were just inside.

Damon smiled against my lips and reluctantly pulled away. I just carressed his cheek, "Two days apart, and that's all I get?" I was teasing him. I was in such a happy mood that I was able to joke with Damon. 

Damon laughed, "You're in a good mood today." He continued smiling at me.

"You know why," I smiled and traced my finger down the side of his face. 

He looked close to tears, and of course, I was concerned.

I took his face in my hands, "Damon, what's wrong?" 

He placed his hand over mine, which was caressing his cheek, "It's just that you're so happy right now, and you're not going to like what is going on with Jeremy."

Jeremy! Oh my god - I totally forgot about him. I couldn't leave Damon like this though, so I held his hand and said, "Damon, I trust you. I won't be angry with you, okay? I promise. Whatever it is, you can tell me. If he's in danger, we'll figure it out, okay?" 

Damon looked down at the ground as I spoke and his saddened expression still hadn't faded.

"Damon," I brought his face towards mine, "tell me what's going on. We'll get through this."

"You're going to hate me for this," he sighed.

I couldn't take it anymore, "Damon, stop it! I love you, okay? I would never hate you. Let's go inside and talk about this all together."

He looked a little more hopeful.

"Come on," I kissed him once more, got up, and he followed me inside.

Chapter 2: Desperate Measures

"What took you guys so long? I mean, for just a two-day break, that was a length reunion, don't you think?" Jeremy smiled at me.

"Jeremy!" I gave him a hug.

"Hey Elena," Matt said as he entered the living room.

"Ah, Elena, my darling. Glad you could join us," Klaus entered the room with a sinister look on his face.

"Klaus..." I stated, unafraid. I glanced at Damon, who looked at me apologetically. I gave him an understanding look and squeezed his hand.

"I'm guessing you want an update on what you've missed because surely Damon hasn't told you anything about this yet," Klaus assumed correctly.

"I actually wanted to talk about it with everyone," defending Damon, "So, why are you here?" I asked Klaus accusingly.

He snickered, "Well, I want to speed up the mark-growing process? You see, I need the cure FAST. And when I came here to check on the progress, Damon hadn't actually gotten Jeremy to kill even one vampire. And so, long story short, I have a bunch of vampires in transition waiting in the bar for Jeremy to kill."

I was shocked, "Is this safe?"

"Safety isn't really my concern, dear Elena. I will protect Jeremy so that I can figure out where this cure is, and then, it's your problem."

"And what if we don't want to go about this this way?" I was getting angry.

"Well, then that would be very unwise of you because those 20 or so vampires will be compelled to kill Jeremy and he will have no choice but to destroy them first"

"How convenient," Damon muttered, clearly annoyed.

"Let's just say, I'm much more efficient that Damon over here," Klaus responded cockily. 

"Good luck tonight," Klaus sped off somewhere into the forest. 

"Damon, we have to do something!" I panicked.

"Elena, it's okay - I'll give Jeremy the appropriate weapons and he'll be fine. We can't do this any other way, or else Klaus will compel them." 

I nodded because I knew he was right. I just hoped that Jeremy would be okay.

Tonight was going to be one crazy night!


Author's Note:

I'm stopping there because I've got some studying to do and because I want the show to take care of the rest. I'm just hoping for a nice Delena reunion scene of some sort! Tune in to TVD at 8PM on the CW!! :) Rate and review/comment, please! I also have another Damon/Elena fanfic on 'my version of season 4' which is longer and there's more romance! Enjoy, and check it out. Thanks! 

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