To Good for Me

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Bolin was a close friend of your's who would always make you laugh and smile no matter what mood you were in. You think every little thing about him is drop dead gorgeous. His eyes, his hair, his smile, his laugh, the way he pouts when he's mad, you even think he looks good when he cries. Although you've only seen that once and that's when he saw Korra kissing Mako. Oh how you will always remember that day. Not only was that day the first time you saw him cry it was also the day you first met Korra and it was not a good first impression. *FLASHBACK* "You're gonna pay for hurting Bolin b*tch", You screamed as you were held back by your friend Amber. "Y/n calm down", you hear Amber say. "Noo"! With all of your strength you break free of Amber's grip and start running towards Korra as you pull out the water you always have in your pocket and freeze it into a big sharp icicle. "I will kill you"! You throw the icicle at Korra. Just when it's about to hit her, she thaws the water and bends it back at you. You cartwheel out of the way and redirect it back at her ,instead freezing the water into multiple sharp ice shards. Korra dodges most of them but one slashes her cheek causing Her to flinch. She slowly looks at you with a deadly serious expression on her face and starts sending fireballs your way which you start blocking with a stream of water you bended from your pouch. "So she's the avatar", you think to yourself. Even though now you are a little nervous, there's no way in hell you're backing down now. Fire and Water collide as you both send attacks at eachother. You duck as she sends a boulder at you and send a fast stream of water that goes straight through the next Boulder shattering it as the stream of water hits her right in the stomach pushing her onto the floor. Panting and exhausted, you slowly walk to Korra. Mako steps in front of you but you give him a glare so intense and so filled with venom, that he can do nothing but shiver and step aside as you walk over to Korra. You see her get up and immediately get in a fighting stance waiting for another onslaught of earth or fire. But it never came. You see Korra slowly walk up to you with her hand reaching towards your's and a smile on her face. Deciding to comply with her, you shake her hand. "Now that, was a fight worth remembering". She says to you as her eyes take on a more apologetic look. "I'm sorry I hurt Bolin by kissing Mako. I should've been more sensitive to his feelings". You smile back at her as you can tell she is sincere about her apology. "Apology accepted. But I'm not the one you should say sorry to". Korra nods at you with the smile still on her face. "Will do, but Mako can you let us talk in private"? Mako nods and walks away from the both of you. "Y/n I know we kinda got off on the wrong foot but can we be friends? I can tell you are a very strong bender and I want to get to know you better". Your smile grows wider as you internally cheer that The Avatar after you attacked her, still wants to be friends with you and said you're a strong bender. "Ya I'd like that", you reply. But then a thought occurs to you. "Why talk to me in private just to ask me that"? "Because I know you like Bolin". Your face burns bright red. "Wha-where'd y-you hear that"? You nervously ask trying to keep cool. "Oh come on Y/n I might not be an expert in love like Amber, but I can tell by how hard you fought me that you like him, probably even love him". You sigh and finally pull down your facade. "Yes it's true, but he likes you not me I'm not good enough for Bolin"."After what he just saw, I doubt it. He's going to try and move on and I know one feisty little water bender who definitely would be perfect for him". Your blush returns as you imagine what it would be like to have Bolin as a boyfriend. Your blush grows darker as your mind goes to the more "explicit" details. "Trust me Y/n it might be a month a day or a year but I know he's going to one day realize his true love is right in front of him". You smile as this gives you hope. "Eww when did I get so girly and lovey dovey", you hear Korra say in disgust as you both laugh and walk up to Mako. *LONG ASS FLASHBACK OVER* Smiling as you remember the memory, you take off your pro bending gear and walk home. After you fought Korra, she set you up with a pro bending team so you could show the world just how strong you were. Little did she know, someone was admiring her walk away. *Bolin's Pov* I watch Y/n walk home with a smile on my face. Man she is perfect. I frown a little at that thought. Too Good for me. I really started to have feelings for her when Mako told me what she did. *FLASHBACK* "She fought Korra and knocked her over"?! I shout in shock. Mako winces a little at my loudness. "Yes now will you please be quiet and let me tell you the rest"? I nod my head and he continues telling me how Y/n saw me crying. How she broke free from Amber's grasp and started fighting Korra and how Korra and her became friends afterwards. "I can't believe she would do all that for me". I think to myself. Suddenly I realize Korra's not who I love, It's Y/n, the beautiful h/c water bender who would fight the Avatar just to make me happy again. "Mako I think I'm in love with Y/n". Mako smiles at me. "I knew you'd love her one day Bolin. You two are perfect for eachother". My cheeks turn pink as we both walk out of the restaurant. *FLASHBACK OVER* I decide to go follow Y/n and admit my feelings to her. *Your pov* I am walking to my apartment that I share with Amber, when I hear a voice call my name. I look around and it's Bolin jogging up to me Happily. "Hello (nickname)", I giggle when he calls me that. "Hi Bolin What's up"? "Oh I wanted to tell you something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time now". Your heart races. Could it be? Is he going to say what you have been dreaming for him to tell you? "Y/n I I Lo-" Bolin is cut off as I press my lips on his soft ones. After getting over the initial shock, he kisses back as he grabs my waist and pulls me closer as we get more into it. Finally because of the need to breathe we break apart. "Love Ya Y/n you are too good for me". "No Bolin I love you and you're the one who's too good four me". We both giggle as he walks me home. "Want to stay at my house Bolin", I ask him. "I wouldn't want anything else in the world".

*Later* Amber's Pov

"Y/n I'm home". I say as Korra and I walk in to our shared apartment. "Hmm wonder where she is". I hear Korra say. We freeze as we hear the sound of a bed creaking upstairs. "Is Y/n doing it with someone"?! Korra whispers. "I wonder who it is Amber". "OH BOLIN"! "Welp there's your answer Korra", I giggle. "I knew they'd get together someday". "We all did Korra. We all did".

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