Happily Ever After?

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"Omg daddy"

Lilia's moans filled her bedroom as she was clenching her sheets into her small fists.
Jack smirked as his grip on Lilia's thighs grew stronger.

"God I fucking love you"

Lilia kept moaning as she grabbed Jack's hair while he was working with his tongue over Lilia's core. Smirk growing over his face as he kept pleasing Lilia.

Without any hesitation Jack threw Lilia on her knees so she could bend over for him, he smacked Lilia's bare ass with firm slap to make Lilia flinch a little with a moan escaping her mouth.

"Gotta love how obedient little slut you still are"

Jack whispered before entering inside of Lilia groaning and leaning his head backwards as wave of pleasure took a place in both of them.


"Breakfast Is ready"

Lilia was screaming from downstairs while pouring some coffee In two cups and placing eggs with bacon to their plates. Lilia's mom was out of town again so Lilia had whole house to herself.

Lilia took a sip from her cup as Jack ran down stairs to the kitchen fixing his suit jacket.

"Thank you doll"

Jack smiled to Lilia as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead, taking a seat and starting to eat his breakfast In a little rush.
Lilia leaned against the kitchen counter as she was looking out the window smiling. Who would've known how much life Is gonna change when this man entered in her life.

Past months been flying and its been extremely quiet, calm, peaceful even. No drama, no shitty situations..
Just love.

Lilia snapped out of her day dreaming when Jack got up to place his plate In dishwasher before drinking his coffee with one long sip. He leaned In to take his time to kiss Lilia good bye.

Slow and passionate kiss that he always did before leaving for work. Lilia smiled against his lips before he chuckled to peck Lilia's lips one more time before heading out still In rush.


Around 2pm Lilia decided to leave home, it was autumn break from school and she was trying to find any way to kill time since Jack had to still work.
She headed to the mall since she needed some new tops and new perfume.

Her shopping day was going great until she bought herself cup of iced coffee, sat down to small table and noticed familiar voice and face right im front of her.


"Hey you, long time no see. Still having this cliché "Happily Ever After" going on?"

Lilia could see this creepy smirk grow to Shane's face as all she could do was stare. She couldnt move, couldnt say anything, just stare at him in horror knowing what happened to him last time Lilia saw him. She couldnt believe her eyes and her mind was going crazy, she was going crazy.

Lilia stayed mute and stood up, something inside her head told her to go, run.. Get out of this situation and go home but obviously that wasnt the case. Shane stood up as fast as he noticed Lilia getting up, grabbing her arm and chuckling

"Wow wow easy there, you in a hurry or some shit?"

Lilia felt the panic and anxiety hit In, she couldnt do anything and thats what she was fearing the most. She couldnt do anything to safe herself once again knowing Shane was suppose to be dead, Lilia saw him bleeding, she saw him laying there.

Lilia took a glance at Shane to see her "suppose to be dead" ex staring at her with this disgusting look, still smirking and holding Lilia's arm not letting her go. Shane chuckled again as he started biting his bottom lip before turning his gaze back to Lilia quietly whispering.

"Missed you love"

Love me like you doजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें