Part one

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 I sit down on my bed, grateful even for the chance too. What a day that was; soccer, training, school, and music lessons. Man, what a day what a day. And I only have about 20 minutes before I have to leave for golfing. I'm so tired, I glance down at my pillow at that thought. It looks so inviting right now.

"Maybe just a quick cat nap," I mumble to myself, looking at the clock. 18 minutes until golfing.

" I have time........ I have time......." I try to say as I fall asleep.

                           And that's the last thing I'm actually conscious for

I wake, not in my bedroom, but in the sky. My breath hitches in my throat, stopping for a second from the surprise. But that feeling quickly fades away for there's no danger. I falling very softly, almost like I'm made of paper.

I'm falling towards bubbles, hundreds of them and strangely, each of them is exactly the same size. Surprisingly, that's the only thing bothering me, not the fact that I'm falling gently into an endless void of bubbles. No, the fact that they are all the same size.

I near one, I get close enough to touch it. And before I know what's happening, I slide right into it. For a moment, I am completely suspended in time. No sound, no movement, just nothing. But then like a flash of light, a whole world appears in front of me. It's someone life in the bubble. Their hopes, their dreams, their memories, their experiences, all of it. It's so extraordinary and beautiful.

And then it's over, and I slide right out of the bubble. I hear a faint pop and try to turn back and see if the bubbles gone though, but I can't. Another bubble consumes me right after I fall out of the first one.

And it's the the same thing, a life, a story, a reflection of someone's entire being. And it's over again just like that. I keep going into bubbles, into another bubble, and another, and another.

                                                          Pop, pop, pop

I'm so preoccupied with the bubbles that I don't even notice the ground slowly coming towards me, until I come out of the last bubble and fall to the ground.

I try to get up right away, but my head spins and I'm to dizzy to stand straight. I don't remember any of the people I saw, only the feeling that I experienced something wonderful.

After a few seconds I'm ready to stand. But what I'm not ready for is what's in front of me. It is absolutely nothing like the scene that was before me just moments ago.

Now, instead of hundreds of bubbles in blackness, there are giant mushrooms the size of trees towering over me, with not a single bubble in sight. The mushrooms look like they came straight from a fairy tale, red tops with white polka dots, crew to white stems

I scan the mushrooms, and my eyes narrow onto on particular one. It's the one nearest to me, and it was a small black smudge on it, but no others do. I walk over to it, carefully avoiding stepping on any of the colorful wildflowers growing around it.

When I reach it I lean my head forward to inspect it better. But it's not a smudge at all, it's a tear in the mushroom, like someone ripped open a hole right in it. I look closer at it and notice little specks inside of the hole. There are lots, not even moving, just sqtationarly sitting there in the blackness. Just then the sun breaks through the top of the mushrooms, casting a light right into the hole.

The specks react to this, glistening from the suns rays. They look almost, almost like........... bubbles. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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