Made a friend chapter 1

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Narrative pov

the alarm clock rang then a girl stopped it than realized she had the first day of school. " oh no, i almost forgot about school no no no no "  hi i'm Y/n this is my story about my love life and yes this is fourth wall breaking, but i or people may do this in the book so deal with it. Y/N was now eating breakfast while checking the time as well, and maybe watching some TV. After she was done she got everything ready and took her phone with her  just in case of emergency's. 

Time skip (*w*) 

After a whole 30 minutes of walking Y/N finally made it to the school, and she was panting like a dog. When she calmed down she then started walking into class. " Okay students we have a new one here please treat her well." " Ooo can she it by me?" says a girl wearing a boys uniform." Um okay but don't get her into to much trouble Anna." " ugh..fine. " " Y/N you may sit to * shivers* Anna..." " okay don't worry i'll make sure she won't get into too much trouble." Y/N whispered," you sure because she is a handful she may be tough but she is very emotional." " I'll treat her well don't worry." After that conversation she sat next to Anna, but she seemed to be talking to 2 boys.

Anna's pov ( didn't expect this... Did u? )

I was talking with Hikaru and Kaoru about doing some pranks on Tamaki then i remembered i had a new ' friend ' sitting with me, so i turned around then saw her she seemed nice" hi i'm Anna and these 2 homosexual seaports are Hikaru and Kaoru!" " Hey don't call us that, but we are friends. Also our names are what she said." they said with a smile they haven't opened their eyes. They opened their eyes after she said," hello" and they are blushing," ooooooo" " shut up " they said in unison I then started laughing. When i looked up at her she was very blunt of the blush i was thinking she was oblivious," Are you two okay your red " " yea, yea we're fine."  god i need air she is an idiot not to notice this " okay your mother truckers ima head outside!" i said and walked out reading some of my mess

Hikaru & Kaoru pov

she seems so gentle i know my brother will want her if he does want her  i'll take whatever it takes to woo her heart( fancy am i right lol )

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------wooooooowwww this is another book maybe one of my friends will read it and yes my names anna and if your name is that welp change your name in this book srry if it sounds rude and stuff but yea have a great day

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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