Chapter 1: The start.

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A.N. Dear Readers this is my First Wattpad Book that I am writing and I am quite new to all of this, so if there are any mistakes I would be grateful if you could point them out to me, so I can go back and correct them. Overall I just hope anyone has the time of day to read this anyways. Expect the most updates on the weekend because that is when I have the most time to write.

The picture on the top is of the one and only, Madison Reyes, she is playing the role of Amari. Not literally but if I could imagine what Amari would look like it would definitely be like this.

Amaris P.O.V

I feel drops of sweat running down my forehead. I take my right hand and wipe it off. Calmly, on the outside at least, I make my way towards the front plate. I feel the suns' heat on my arms and head. I could've brought a hat, but I didn't. 

I take a deep breath, composing myself for this amazing kick everyone's expecting me to perform. The pitching team's members give me an incredulous look. As if to say, "Girly we know you not going to kick that ball far." Their smug faces and goofy grins give me a push to kick the ball right over the side of the wall so that the runner at third base could win us another run. We needed it to beat the other team because the score was 12 runs to 11 runs. The running team possesses 11 runs, and the pitching team possesses 12 runs. 

I give our Physical Educations teacher a slight nod of my head. The pitcher rolls the ball towards me. I feel my hands getting clammy and my heartbeat increasing. I scold myself, now was not the time for it to happen again. 

I wait until the last agonizing second and kick the ball towards first base. I know that's where I am supposed to run but I need to give the runner at third base a fair chance to complete their round so they can score another run for the team. I sprint towards first base only focusing on it, somehow I subconsciously register Mr. Richard(our physical education teacher and coach) shouting, "FAIR BALL!" I push and push myself hoping it's enough, praying my legs won't fail me now. I finally reach first base, safe. 

After a few moments of catching my breath, I look up and see my team celebrating that we had done it. It was tied 12 runs to 12 runs! No thanks to me I realize, but to a sweet girl called Faith, who hadn't been able to get an out for her team. 

She was only a couple of steps to my left. The pitching team's captain, Morgan, came stomping angrily down the pitch. 

Morgan was a year younger than me, but our classes were combined for P.E. 

"What were you doing!" He shouted at poor Faith. His voice was filled with uncontrolled anger and his face had a pure look of disgust on it.

This wasn't the first time he had started to lash out like this it was honestly embarrassing but he controlled his own body and voice.  I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes and started to walk over to both of them. 

Faith was trying to keep her cool, she has an 'I don't care' look on her face but it doesn't come across as very convincing, due to the drops of salty tears in her eyes. 

I come to stand directly next to faith, I put an arm around her shoulders, and give her an empathy-filled squeeze. She was way too sweet to be treated like this; like she didn't have her own thoughts or feelings. I whisper calming words into her ear. Okay, maybe not everyone will consider these calming but I do. "It's going to be fine, you don't ever need the overrated jerk's stamp of approval anyways. Remember all the strong role models this world has produced like Zendaya or Emma Watson. One day it will be you, Faith, that everyone talks about. Now go and drink some water you'll be fine as long as you stay true to yourself and you keep your head high up, got it?" She gives me the slightest nod of her chin to prove she heard all the words I just whispered into her ear. 

She walks off the pitch with her head held high. 

"Where the heck do you think you're going? I am not done talking to you, you-"

"I don't believe you would like to finish that sentence, Merlin?" I say with an air of confidence.

His eyes narrow and his body instantly reacts and goes into defensive mode. He hates the nickname Merlin. I've heard his mom use it once, and I hold it over his head any time I need him to be flustered. I suppose he hates it when other people use it because it doesn't really go with his image of the bad boy, but that won't stop me. 

He slowly turns around to look me in the eyes. His glare is incredibly intense. I make sure to keep the smirk right on my face. He takes two steps toward me and threateningly points his finger toward me.

"Don't get in between me and my team." He growls.

"Oops, too late," I giggle with the girliest voice I got in me. 

He turns away and stomps towards the coach. I sigh and follow him knowing this will turn into a huge argument. 

Suddenly out of nowhere, Timothy shows up and steps in between Morgan's path of tyranny. He puts a hand on Morgan's muscle-packed shoulder and says something too quiet for me to understand.  Whatever it is it works and Morgan sneers and walks back to his team. 

Timothy gives me a quick charming grin. I mouth "thanks", and he shouts back "Any time!" I turn around suddenly embarrassed at his enthusiasm somehow he knows exactly how to get me flustered. Everyone's eyes turn to us.  

Let's just say Timothy's actually one of the good-looking and decent guys at our school. Well, I mean muscles, dark olive skin, beautiful brown eyes, and the cutest grin... What else could you wish for? I mean I totally don't have a crush on him, that was ages ago, plus he has a girlfriend. We are friends though, we talk on a daily basis and we compete all the time, about everything there is to compete about, it's actually fun. Especially when I am on the winning side most of the time. 

Luckily Mr. Richard blows the whistle signaling the end of P.E. I quickly start collecting all the cones. This was another thing Timothy, and I would compete about who gets the most cones. I grab and collect as many as I could. "Dang it," I thought. Timothy's pile looks way larger than mine. I need more cones and fast. 

My eyes wander around and I see Edward walking around with a quite large stack of those cones. I speed walk towards him and smile at him with the most flirtatious grin I got. 

"Edward," I cooed. 

"Ahhh Amari what do I owe to this very endearing encounter?"

If you couldn't tell by the language Edward is a total bookworm, with a quite dreamy face. Not like I have thought of it before, but now that you mention it he does have a lovely face. Scratch that he is drop-dead gorgeous, and if it's even possible he looks even more dreamy with his glasses.

"Do you think, I could have those cones in your hands?" 

I bite my lip like an innocent little girl asking for something, like an ice cream cone. He gives out a melodic laugh and shakes his head. 

"Looks like you haven't improved in your flirting skills since last P.E."

"How dare you say something like this," I gasp. "If I wanted to I could make you fall hopelessly in love with me in a minute with all my flirting skills."

"Well, I look forward to it when you decide I am worthy of your endearing flirtiness." 

He took my hand that was without cones and kissed my knuckles handed me the cones and walked off the field with a slight skip in his step.

I feel my cheeks heating up and slowly head off the field following Edward.

Now, ladies and hopefully some gentlemen this is where our story starts. This is the tale of 2 gentlemen, 1 bad boy, and a beautifully confident not-so-ordinary teen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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