About This Community

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Hey fellow DemiWizards/Witches!

This community is made for the family of one of the most BEAUTIFUL characters of all times, our beloved Half-bloods, Percy Jackson and Harry Potter!

And before somebody arrests me,


Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, the Wizarding World, the Olympians, the pictures used, all belong to their respective, talented owners.
All the other stuff, belongs to this community and this community ONLY.
This community can only be found here on Wattpad, and if found ANYWHERE else, please REPORT, because it's being copied.


Whew, now that this is done, one more thing...

Any type of bullying, hating, or any other type of misconduct of any kind to any of the community members OR anyone, is not allowed or tolerated.
You will be REPORTED & REMOVED from the community.
I know not everyone is like this but just a heads-up for those who love creating unnecessary havoc.


Now, time for stuff we've been waiting for!

How do I register my name in the members list?

For that, you have to either comment here or Private message on the account the following details.

•Name/ Nickname/Name you would prefer us to call you

•D.O.B/Age (If you are comfortable)

•Hogwarts House

•Godly Parent & Cabin number

•Creative stuff you feel you are really good at... And no, you are not allowed to be modest here...

•Zodiac Sign

•Your favourite crossover fic here on Wattpad

•Your preferred weapon(s)

All of this information will be put up in the members list uploaded later today. If you are not comfortable with some of these put in there, do message privately.

For Doubts and Queries, please leave a text in the conversation column and NOT in the Private message section.

Your Queries will be posted in this booklet for all the others who have the same questions.

Do add the book in your library for further updates.

Have a blue day-night!
Over and out

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