Rock 'n Roller Coaster (Ianthony)

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The black rubber-coated over-the-shoulder body holsters all rose in sync, glinting in the dark atmosphere of the room decorated to resemble a dingy ally. Yes, their stretch limo had arrived. No, make that a super-stretch. Ian's gut gave a nervous quiver. He felt terrified.

No, it wasn't just because he didn't like roller coasters.

His parents had never really cared to take him many places other than to school and his friend's house due to his father being ever-so-slightly alcoholic and spending whatever spare money he could find on a keg of rum. It also didn't help that his mom enjoyed lavishly draining cash to his own expense just to appear "fancy". Since both of his mentors failed to expose him to roller coasters, he had never really had the inclination to ride one, or go anywhere with them. One place that he had never had the enjoyment of visiting was Disney World, or any theme park for that matter.

That is, until he met Anthony Padilla.

He allowed a smile to drift across his face briefly before letting his trembling hands and sweaty palms remind him of what situation he had ventured into. His thoughts subconsciously drifted back to the man standing in front of him, awaiting the opening of the metal gates that separated them from the coaster. Anthony had knowingly opened many doors for him, and didn't realize that one of those doors might have been the fine line between gay and straight. Ian had always secretly enjoyed just watching Anthony's facial expressions change, but only when he realized that he had been staring at Anthony's partially naked body (save for a towel) for a prolonged time whenever he had finished taking a shower did he realize that he was indeed, not completely ridged in the sexuality department.

He mentally sighed at the thought, knowing that he could never reveal what his true feelings were for fear of rejection, humiliation, and even just the thought of their friendship ending.

Anthony had made them wait until they could ride in the very front, which only served to make Ian's nerves worse. The creaking of the gates opening for the riders to board the coaster made him jump, but regardless, he followed Anthony to the machine that would certainly cause his impending doom.

He carefully stepped into the vehicle before preparing to pull the safety harness over his body. But, as his arms went up, Anthony (to his left), tapped on his shoulder. Ian turned to him.

Before he could register anything, Anthony's lips brushed over Ian's cheek. A faint blush rolled over Anthony's features as he pulled away. Ian could only stare back in silence. He... He kissed me? No. Fucking. Way.

One of the attraction workers pushed Ian's harness down over his shoulders, jolting him out of his thoughts. Although he was still anxious about the ride, there was now a tingling sensation throughout his body that told him that everything was going to be alright for the simple reason that Anthony had kissed him.

Ian flinched a little as the ride rolled around a corner only to stop before a dark tunnel under a brick wall covered in vines. There was a screen above the gaping mouth of the tunnel that showed pixelated animations of cars speeding down highways and other things of the sort. Aerosmith rock music played lightly in the background. Then, a voice roared to life through the speaker built into his headrest.

"Hold tight drivers, there's a lot of traffic out there, so put the pedal to the metal." A corresponding animation appeared on the screen. Then, the countdown to takeoff began.


Does he actually like me?


Anthony's warm hand encased Ian's in a sign of comfort.







The words in his head whirled and swirled as the ride shot off like a bullet, making his face feel like it was peeling off. Then, it was total darkness, only speeding forwards, propelled by the finest machinery. His stomach dropped when the coaster suddenly curled over itself, taking the riders upside-down. He heard Anthony whooping, drunk off adrenaline. Ian joined into the chorus of screaming riders as Anthony's grip tightened on his hand.

Nothing could keep that perfect moment out of Ian's head for the rest of his life.

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