It was New Year's...

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"Ne, Izuku..."

It was winter break. 

It was new year's eve and the sky was a gray abyss with a want to rain. 

"Ara, ara?"

Momo Yaoyorozu had taken a sip of the tea that she was holding with both hands and was staring at the steaming liquid with surprise delight. "It is genuine Golden Tips Imperial Tea. I can't believe this little tea house actually has it." Momo let out an elegant giggle, as she raised her shoulders, smiling at Izuku Midoriya, "How'd you find out about this place?"

Izuku chuckled as he scratched his cheek, glancing to the side like he always does. "Actually it was the morning of the school festival..." He was debating whether or not to tell Momo about how he ran into Gentle, until he figured there was no harm, "I ran into a villain that wanted to sneak into U.A. and yet he got tea from here," Referring to the tea house they were in. 

Then Izuku explained everything that happened the morning of the school festival. 

"Oh, Izuku I was never aware of such a thing." Momo held regret a bit of regret in her eyes as they started to leave the tea house. 

"Y-Yeah, that was kinda the point." Izuku chuckled, trying to deflect the situation like always. "S-So, what do you want to do for new year's?"  

But as their conversation was referring U.A. Momo glanced towards the school that they were attending. She took in a deep inhale letting her shoulders raise, her bust heaving as she exhaled. She turned her back to the school facing Izuku with her hands clasped together over her waist. 

"Ne, Izuku, we're all friends right..." 

Izuku's lips parted before he took a breath to think about the question, understanding the weight behind it. 

... "Yeah, Momo, we are." 

And her lips lifted into an everlasting smile as she said, "Then for New Year's I want to be home." 

The train tracks were thudding along as the gentle drops began to fall on the city.

"You know it's kinda weird, it feels like the time we are spending here, during winter break, is completely different from how we are at the dorms with everyone else." Izuku commented as he glanced at the city skyline, as it was enveloped by the darkening gray clouds. 

Momo's lips pulled up in an almost giggle as she placed her hand over his lap, rubbing over it softly.                               

Despite having already been intimate with her, he still flinched to her touch. He hesitated at first before he slowly placed his hand over hers, clasping it, as their fingers interlocked. "Y-You know, it's almost like we're boyfriend and girlfriend, huh?" It sounded lighthearted in his thoughts but his voice became awkward as he realized what he was actually saying, blushing.

Momo's lips finally let out a giggle, growing the same blush as Izuku, tinting her pale cheeks. 

"Ne, Izuku, it's okay, if you want, we can pretend..." 

 After, she turned her head to face him, and he did the same, out of reaction, the both of them locking eyes. He saw the gloomy weather reflecting off her onyx orbs and she saw the faraway sunshine in his. 

Her lips moved as she continued to talk but it was as if the words hadn't reached him, yet. 'I don't know why but all I could focus on was everything else. How her hair always had that elegant flutter as it spiraled away like cherry blossom petals. How her eyes could brighten like a curious kitty or how they could instantly become sharp like an analyzing feline. How the cold weather gave her a radiant grace. And because of it all I-,' 

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