1. Away goes the anchor of my soul

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There go my sparkling diamonds,
Lost at sea.
Their reflections lasted longer than I'd hoped for, at least
The sun seemed a little kinder today.
So it is true what the poets spoke,
A serene atmosphere for the serendipity
Inspirations at sea come fast I suppose.

So the fishermen push on ahead, boat ahoy.
Why does it seem so hard?
The days go by longer and longer.
I sit on this hot sand, then cool into the dark palm trees.
Sunsets give way to silent nights
And I still can't leave.

When will you come back?
When will this nightmare end?
Stuck in this time loop.
Looking out to see if that fisherman is you.

If the next morning, your boat comes back.
You awake in that perfect calm amidst the eye of the storm
And me ravaging sandstorms with no shelter.

When will your anchor fall,
When will the away turn into a field of butterflies?
You hated them, didn't you?

As our hands held,
And I put my head on your shoulder.
I suppose that was the worst moment of my life.
But then what is this nothingness?
Death at what we wrought.
My sparkling sea took you away.
My diamonds streaked havoc on your heart.

And here I lay alone
Forever stuck in this loop,
Sisyphus had it easy, it was a rock he had to push up a hill,
I have rocks drowning me
Just like the ones that scuba drivers put down.

The red flags or the white ones,
Which ones should I watch out for love?



So, I recently found my inspiration again and just wanted to put this across,

hope you like it!!!

If you do please comment on it and give me a follow!!!

thank you :)

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