Triple the Trouble

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Chapter 1

"Hey! Oliv, the Carter boys are coming today." Grace said while we're at the line for the roller coaster ride.

"REALLY?!?! How'd you know? And why didn't they tell me??" I asked shocked and excited at the same time.

"Well, that's what other people say.... so yeah they MIGHT come." she said.

"Are you really sure? Maybe they're just spreading a rumor." I said not believing her.

"Maybe..... but if they co-" she said but didn't continue looking a bit shocked.

"What? Why are you so shocked?" I asked waving a hand in front of her face.

She forced my head to face something behind, and there they are, as perfect as ever. With their perfect smiles, perfect hair, perfect, well everything. Then they spotted me, and they smiled and now they're coming towards us. 

"Hey girls!" Andrew, my best friend, ever since well I can't remember, the guy that I always tell everything, and by everything, I MEAN EVERYTHING. My crushes, my grades, my brothers-I hate them-, my parents. 

"Hey." Grace and I said, smiling, then I hugged him, like I don't want him to go.

"Hey there!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alvin, my well also best friend, but we aren't that close unlike his twin. He's the player, the boss-when his older brother isn't around- and he well irritates me.

"Hi." I said just smiling at him.

"What? That's all I get? Not even 'I missed you Alvin.' or even a hug?" he asked pouting.

I rolled my eyes, but hugged him tho. He is still my friend, that I haven't seen for I don't know, 3 months? 

Their grandmother died, so they have to be with her until she dies, because that was the only wish of their beloved grandma. She was so sweet, caring, loving, and she even treats me as a grand-daughter. I love her, but the Carter's loved her more. I went to her funeral 2 weekends ago, I don't know why, but I cried when they asked me to speak in front of people that were close to them. 

For me it was a big honor to speak about me experiences with her.

"Grandma isn't really my grandmother at all. But she treats me like her own grandchild. And I treat her like me own grandmother. We may not see each other for a long time, but she always sends me gifts, and they were all make up. Okay you shouldn't know that... anyways, she was truly loved by my family, and of course her own family. And I don't know but," I stared crying, "I'm crying. This wasn't planned. Once she saw me, Andrew, and Alvin, playing around her living room, and Alvin accidentally knocked down her favorite vase, he cried, and we panicked, she might scoled us, or shout at us, but we were suprised when she came in the living room, a broom in hand, and she began cleaning up the mess. Alvin asked her if she was mad, she just smiled and said, 'Just don't play inside next time, okay sweethear?' then she kissed him on the forehead. That was then I realized that she really loves her family even if they committ mistakes. And that's why I love her so much. And for you guys who are crying because she's gone, don't, she's always here," I pointed my chest where my heart is,"with us. Smiling down at us. I love you Gran, hope you'll live peacefully up there, you're not suffering anymore. Thank you." I finally said, and everyone clapped, and I saw my mom swipping her tears, and the twins smiling at me. 

That was the first time I cried in front of a lot of people.

"Hey earth to Oli." Alvin said waving his hand in front of me.

"Huh? What? Sorry I spaced out." I said snapping out of my flashback.

"Do you want to seat together?" Andrew asked.

"Uhm, yeah sure." I said smiling.

He wanted to seat with me? Why me? Why not with Alvin? Is all I can think about while I'm taking a seat on the roller coaster.

"So, why me?" I finally asked, while the ride is starting.

"What? What do you mean by that?" he asked.

"Uhm, nothing, let's just enjoy the ride." I said.

I might have a crush on him, hell no, I don't want to ruin our friendship. What should I do?


Hey guys! This is the story that was stuck in my head so now I'm going to write it and hopefully I can finish this story.

But guys still support The Phone Call. =)

So what do you think of my plot? Is it okay? Or does it need some adjustments? Just comment your suggestions and reactions. :)




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