•The Golden Crown Cradled in White•

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[Miso- Let it go]

After the fading of eight winters melting away into another eight springs, blossomed the crown on the head full of snowy locks.

Now, the owner of those snowy locks stood still in the middle of the meadow which smelt of death and loss yet opposed the blooming wildflowers that shrouded the pasture with its exotic fragrances.

The heavy silence that fell upon this field stood still and tall, like the depths of the lakes of doom but it was briefly broken by the soft tweeting of the birds and the billowing breeze.

The lean figure, adorned in black was embraced with a haunting chill that was nibbling on his exposed skin. The bitter mist surrounded him as he knelt on the ground, eyes closed, shallow breaths escaping his lips, mouthing soft whispers for her to hear. He spoke gently, calling out to her grave like a siren reaching out to the sailors. The sun caressed his body, numbing the ache that was spreading in his chest like a wildfire. His nimble fingers held onto his cloak, forcing out the chalky complexion out of his knuckles.

*His pov*

Looking up at the sky, I saw nothing but the vast blue sea towering over me, threatening to crush me with its weight if I ever revealed the vulnerable, weak side of me. The one that came out in fractions so small, no one ever noticed. I sighed, a sigh filled with sorrow as I looked ahead, at the slab of marble embellished with engravings. Under which, lay the only one who cared about me, the mother I never had.

"The one of the serpents, who sat upon the venomous throne, Sarqostiar."

There lay my Hae-Ma, and beside her lay the other half of my ripped soul.

They said it was my fault, they said I had begged her to accompany me to that fateful ride and they said I was the evil demon who was the cause of her death.

Looking at my reflection on the small pond nearby, the words were ingrained in my brain and for the first time, I believed them. Because at that moment, I looked very much like the shadow of the monster that clawed its ugly hand across my back.

For the last time, I turned around to allow my eyes to take in the view of the meadow and let the agrimonies, which had long lost its lively aura, softly fall on the crown of her grave.

No matter what I did, I couldn't let the tears that had huddled together fall, imitating the wildflowers that fell from my trembling hands because I could feel them. The eyes that were always creeping, stalking me. They were everywhere and I couldn't run anymore. Couldn't run like I did the day I last heard her voice. Ji-Hae's voice.


The stars which blended in with the city lights wept their tears on the porcelain skin that was exposed for the night sky to behold.

Cold eyes, pale skin, reveling in the shroud of solemnity which curtained everything that was supposed to remain hidden.

Drip, Drip, Drip, Drip.

Overflowing guilt quilted beneath beauty and power.

Black his bones underneath his whitened robes,
Flashes of blued bruises on his scarlet memories,
Sweet the smell of death lingering,
On whatever holds the luck of being touched by him.

His breath kissed the air, which in return blushed a smoky white.

Maybe tomorrow the sun will shine brighter in a last attempt to heal him.

𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙨 𝙨𝙚𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙪𝙢 [𝙫𝙢𝙞𝙣 𝙛𝙛]Where stories live. Discover now