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Rain ran down the windows slowly, thunder applauded like a crowd full of people inside a theatre. Sitting in his small, dry, cold room was Ronald, my son. Ronald has always been a funny boy, he loved the thought of science, biology to be exact. He started this obsession with biology when he was very young. we were eating mashed potatoes with peas, gravy allover the meal. He would always take small bites and talk about how he was excited to go to school so he can open up a frog and see the organs. My husband, Jerry, has always been concerned for our boy, but I know he is my little boy, he would have some similarities to me. Besides his deep brown eyes that mixed together like chocolate and caramel, his olive skin that was clear as glass, and his fragile, small, scrawny body that he lived inside, I know it's not warm in there, I've been there. Ronald sat in his room, playing with trucks and cars, he couldn't speak though, he was small and he didn't go to school anymore. I decided not to let Ronald go to school after he broke both of his ankles. Y'know, his father thought he fell down something, but Ronald just got caught in trouble. Jerry has been getting suspicious ever since Ronald disappeared, and then he found him under our bed. So, to take care of that, so Jerry cannot take my son away from me for thinking I'm hurting him, I made Ronald a blanket. Warm, rubber, dry but moist inside, eyeholes and nose holes to breathe, it's too big for him right now, but I'm sure he'll grow into it. But, I'll have to get new stitches for his mouth if he keeps growing at this rate. After all these years, he's turning twenty-three tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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