Chapter 21.

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21一 how is it that you go about defining good and evil?

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21一 how is it that you go about defining good and evil?


The truth is many things so warped in circumstance that no one can decipher which truth they're looking for anymore.


MAGIC IN AND OF ITSELF, IS SUCH an odd, curious thing. It has rules, yet doesn't seem to follow any rules in particular. It can be a terrifying force, yet at the same time, a useful tool for everyday use.

Wishes fall under the odd and curious category as well. They can be powerful in their own right; blowing out candles, wishing on stars, and throwing money down certain wells 一 which are also quite mysterious 一 perhaps even having some sort of wishing catalyst. Add magic and powerful emotions to those wishes, and a person could potentially find themselves displaced. But here, it is where people don't realize that wishes are fickle things, much to their displeasure and misfortune. For you see, people will get their wish granted, yet it doesn't come about in the way they suspect it should.

Their wishes get granted either in a very roundabout way, or are somehow slightly corrupted. There are many stories that involve the dangers of a corrupted wish. The most infamous of them is the tale of a girl who had a rather horrible fight with her lover. He was simply leaving the premises, as one would do to clear their mind – it wasn't as if he was leaving her. But alas, as he was leaving, she was worried he would leave her. Instead of being willing to simply talk and listen, and unwilling to risk having her heart broken if that ever came about, the girl had access to a wishing catalyst.

So in her selfishness, anger and sadness, she wished that her boyfriend would never leave her. And he never did; he became a tree that forever rooted itself in her garden. She was also unable to find love with anyone else, because technically the love of her life had never left her.

So their emotions when they make their wish must be taken into account. Are they being selfish, selfless, or 一 if the person is thinking of themselves 一 are they wishing they could have another chance to do and become something more? A desire that is not selfish, because it is something all truly sentient beings should strive for.

A desire to change; and be better for it.


HUMAN NATURE IS SO FICKLE, SO EASILY influenceable by those with lesser morals. It's called a sheep mentally, going along with the flock even if the destination is no better than a slaughterhouse for those who do not bother to think for themselves.

The action of spotting those who influence the tides of consciousness is easy. You just have to look for the person that sits at the epicenter of a group. They stand so proudly amongst their followers, prim pressed suits and leather shoes, empty words and faceless masks.

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