Chapter 1. Summertime & Train Rides

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I am not J.K. Rowling. I do not own Harry Potter nor anything related to this wonderful series. I do not own anything from Warner Bros. Inc. I am not selling this fan fiction. I have come up with the plot and any characters whom are originally not part of the HP series. I try to correct any grammar miscalculations as well as any main facts from the HP series I get wrong. Some 'spells', 'potions', 'facts', and other tid bits like that you may not recognize....If this happens, I made it up!

This is rated 18+ for Adult Situations. Anyone under the age of 18 should not read this fanfic without parental supervision. It will contain inappropriate material for anyone under that age. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Enjoy! -kwatsonshipsdramione


"I'm a what?!" the blonde haired teen screamed at his parents. "Part Veela, son. Do not shout at your mother. You will be punished next time." said the man in a harsh and cruel tone. "Father! How can I not scream?! You've just told me that in five days, count them...five days! My life will be changed forever!" Yelled the teenager as he sneered at his father. "Lucius please, leave him be.." asked the petite woman as she looked on frightfully at her husband. "Narcissa, this is my house. This boy will do as I say. He has disobeyed my direct orders. He shall be punished!" Lucius raised his wand to point it at his only child's chest "'Crucio'!" he shouted as his son dropped to his knees in unbearable pain. But Draco didn't dare cry out, No, this simply wasn't done in a Malfoy's home. After about thirty minutes of 'punishment' Lucius told Draco to get up off the floor and stand proud like a Malfoy should. Doing exactly as he was told Draco vowed then and there to never be like his father. {"Someday...Someday soon, old man! I will end you."} Draco thought as he raised his eyes to meet his fathers just in time to see him backhand his mother across the right side of her face. Draco's eyes widened and he started towards his parents only to be stopped by the look in his mother's eyes. A look that said 'he will kill you if you do anything, be smart Draco'. He nodded and watched as Lucius brushed off imaginary dirt from his sleeve and walked out. Rushing over to his whimpering mother's side "Mother, are you alright?! Are you sure he didn't break it again?" Draco said as he examined his mother's cheekbone. "I can deal my son, do not fret over me. Are you alright?" Narcissa said as she lifted Draco's head to meet hers. "It's not like this is the first time he's done this mum...At least it wasn't as long as it was back in fourth year." Draco said as he shuddered at the memory of his father torturing him in the chamber beneath the Manor. "Yes, well... I do hope once your senses enhance on your birthday, you can avoid his horrid wrath for good!" Narcissa said as she pulled Draco in for a hug.
Oh right...the life altering thing. Draco had almost forgotten, maybe now was a good time to freak out. "Oh, Sodding hell!" Draco said as the recollection of his life coming to an end hit him. "Draconis Lucius Malfoy! Don't you dare use vulgar language in front of your mother!" Narcissa shrieked as she swatted her son on his tush. "Mum! That is mine, you know!" Draco said as he backed away grinning. Narcissa simply shook her head at her son and walked towards one of the many bookcases of the Malfoy Library picking out a book entitled 'All You Need To Know About Veela Blood' she waved Draco over to the sofa and sat down. "Okay Draco since you are only part Veela you will notice most of this will not apply to you. Your father's father, and also Lucius' brother, Yes, you have an uncle, are both of Veela decent. Your great grandfather was a Veela through and through." Reading passages aloud from the book she added ["A man with only part Veela blood will come into his full abilities upon his sixteenth birthday. A woman, on her fifteenth. This is called 'Ascending'. You will immediately notice the changes. Your hearing will be more acute, your smelling more intense, your eyesight sharper, and your reflexes faster. You will also become much stronger physically, mentally, and with the use of magic. With practice some have performed wand-less magic. Along with these also comes the search for your Mate"]...Draco don't interrupt!" Narcissa said seeing the look of horror on Draco's face. ["A Mate, is a Veela's only reason for existence. The Veela blood in the young teen will start to search for this companion until they have found him/her. They will need to Mark their Mate before their seventeenth birthday, giving them one full year to find him/her. After the Mate has been Marked, he/she will need to agree to the Claiming. The Claiming is a physical bond between the Veela and it's Mate that must take place before the Veela's eighteenth birthday. A Veela can sense their Mate if he/she is around by his/her scent, his/her touch, and also by the animalist need to be with said person. Once the Veela has found out their Mate, their eyes will change colour briefly anytime he/she is near, the Mate's eyes will change only on the first meeting. A man's to silver and a woman's to gold. If the Veela has not Claimed their Mate by the eighteenth year, the Veela will have only until the twenty-first year of their life to live."] Narcissa closed the book and handed it to Draco who took it with shaking hands as he stared at his mother with tear-glistened eyes. "Mother, what if- what if I can't find her? What if I find her and she hates me? What if I love someone else?!" he whispered only loud enough for her to hear. "Son, you will find her. {"I believe you already have, in fact."} she added to herself. "And I know this is hard but, there is nothing you can do." Narcissa said as she pulled her son in to lay his head on her shoulder as he contemplated what could be the last years of his life.

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