How it all began

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Mr.Aizawa pov
"Alright everyone today we have a new student.....New student state your name age and your quirk"

Kiri pov

"Uh hi I'm Enjiro Kirishema I'm 19 and my quirk is basically I can turn my body rock hard"

"OK then you can go sit next to Kamanairi, Kamanairi please raise your hand"

Kiri pov

I saw a small slender boy with yellow hair and a black lightning bolt raise his hand and to be honest he was kind of cute to me.

Aizawa pov

"Alright I'm going to sleep do what you want, no quirks, don't kill each other and DO NOT WAKE ME UP!!! Unless it is an emergency."

Kiri pov
As our weird teacher fell asleep I saw a group of people getting up and walking towards that Kamanairi boy.
A girl with pink skin, a girl with purple hair, a boy with red eyes, and boy with a bright burn on his eye and a girl with short brown hair.

Bakugou pov
"Hey dunce face!"
"Look bakugou I am not in the mood for your crap today"
"Ohhhhhhh look pikachu is using big boy words"

Everyone pov

"Hey dunce face what happened to your neck"

Kiri pov
I didn't notice it at first but the slender boy had a huge scar on his neck.

"O-oh i-its n-nothing"
"Well obviously it is something because you didn't have it yesterday"
Kiri pov
"Leave him alone"
"What did you say!?"
"I said leave him alone he obviously doesn't want to talk about it"
"Tsk whatever"

Kiri and Kami pov0
"You good?"
"O-oh uhh yeah"
"Kamanairi right?"
"Nice name for a nice looking guy"

Kami pov
When he said that it made my heart flutter the way that Sero couldn't

Sero pov
I saw the new student talking to MY boyfriend and Kami was blushing at the things he said so I decided to go up to him to make sure he wasn't flirting back with that new student.

"Hey baby~"
"O-oh h-hi Sero"
"What are you doing?"
"Uh just t-talking to Kiri"
"Oh giving nick names now are we kitten~?"
*madly blushing*
"Uhhh since you came you might as well introduce yourself babe"

Kiri pov

"Alright name is Sero and I am Kamanairi's boyfriend "
"I'm Kirishema and I want nothing to do with you"
"Tsk whatever "
Kiri pov
Boyfriend ? I thought he was single......
My blood began to boil...was I......Jealous?

I know I can treat you better than he can and any girl like you deserve a gentleman...

Sorry that scene reminded me of that song.

I'm sooooooooooooo immature hehe


Until next time my sexy peeps



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