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Weeks had passed since the devious changeling broke into Rarity's boutique and tickle tortured her to bits. She had since informed all her friends and family about this cruel and unusual experience. They were all very concerned about these sudden news, all of them, except for one individual in particular...

One full month later, the changeling was up and about again with a new target in mind. He used his shape shifting to his full advantage, taking the form of a small dark coated filly to have a minimal detection risk while roaming around town, hidden in the shadows. After some searching, the disguised changeling finally reached his destination: Sugarcube Corner. This time around, the little changeling was after a pink individual....

Getting inside was a piece of cake, he could pick locks with his eyes closed at this point. After having successfully infiltrated the building, he turned back to his normal form to have access to all his equipment, which consisted of a long coil of rope and a white cloth. He was planning on kidnapping his target, as there were too many creatures present at the bakery. Though if he were to be spotted, he would just tie them down and tickle them until they pass out

Moving forward slowly, the changeling moved up the stairs, avoiding the creaking floorboards by hovering a few inches above the ground with his wings, he now stood in a short corridor with multiple doors to choose from. The first room he checked, was the room of the twins. His heart sank, trying his hardest to close the door as quietly as possible. Waking them up would ruin the plan. The next door appeared to be the Cake couple's bedroom as snoring from two different individuals could be heard, so he dodged that as well. The next door had a big enough keyhole to get a proper look into. Looking through, he grinned from ear to ear, seeing the pink earthpony Pinkamena Diane Pie, or Pinkie Pie as she was commonly referred to, lying all tucked in while peacefully sleeping. He was just about to enter, before hearing a sudden bang in the room at the end of the corridor. The changeling slightly jumped and turned around. He decided to shape shift into Pinkie, to get in a sneak attack on whoever had made that noise.

The disguised tickler made his way towards the room from which the recent loud noise came from, opening the door and peeking inside. It appeared to be a false alarm: It was only an open window that knocked a few hygiene products over from a strong breeze. He sighed and closed the window, turning back to his own form, before returning to Pinkie's room. Though upon looking through the keyhole, the pink party planner that was there only a few moments ago was gone...

A high pitched cheerful voice greeted the home invader right behind him, startling him so bad, he fell onto his back, looking up to see Pinkie Pie standing over him with a carefree smile.
"Who're you?"

He quickly collected himself and got back onto his hooves, unsure of what to do. Usually he gets the drop on others.
"Uh... I'm..."

Though before he could finish his sentence, she gasped, pouncing onto him, making the changeling slightly yelp.
"Are you that changeling that tickled Rarity?! And were you planning to do the same thing with meee?!"
She asked with a big smile.
"Oh yes, yes, yes! I love laughing, hehe. You can get started right away!"
She cheerfully announced, while hugging him very tightly.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was this pony just gonna surrender to him? Or is this perhaps a trap? No matter the reason, the hug was robbing him of air.
"Too tight... Let go please...!"

He was released as she stood up again.
"Can we get started please?"

The hardcore cuddled changeling recovered his breath and slowly got up, adjust his hood.
"Ahem... Uh... You're just going to let me tickle you? Just like that? Even after hearing what I did with your friend, the white unicorn?"
He asked in disbelief.

Home Invasion: Private PartyWhere stories live. Discover now