This is all in one (cause the max is 1500 words) Connnie Detsroys the Zero

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First Pov (Connie) (mc)

"I'm sorry!" I say in desperation. "I didn't mean to avoid you when you were trying to get back to your seat or avoid you in general. I was just being lame and was embarrassed and, and..."

"It's ok nieta. What you did was not, um how you say? Nice." My grandmother spoke. "Pero te perdono. I forgive." She walked over to me, slow steady steps in her frail petite body wrapped in an overweight brown cardigan. She hugged me, her head lay on my chest due to me being taller than her. I hugged her back with enough strength to be tight but not harm her.

"C'mon dulce niña, let's whip up some dinner for your madre y padre. I'm sure they're hungry from all the spying they were doing on this conversación." Abuela said, looking behind me with a scrunched up face. I turned around and saw two heads peeking from around the corner. I laughed and took my grandma's hand to walk to the kitchen. 

2 weeks later...

I was walking home from school today, excited to get home because Abuela told me she had a surprise for me. It was a very cold and windy November day. The trees were practically bare due to the coming weather of winter. The air was cold and dry. An ambulance suddenly sped past me, making me flinch due to the loud sirens. I wondered and hoped that the person who was being picked up was okay, since the ambulance was basically speeding on a quiet suburban street.

After a couple of minutes, I turned the corner of James St. and Parker Dr. and saw that the ambulance was parked right outside my house. I walked up to the door that was wide open, muddy boot prints covering the welcome mat. I entered the house hearing murmurs and shuffling coming from the room down the hall. Abuelas room.

I rushed to the room and saw my mom staring with tear soaked eyes as two men in navy uniforms picked up Abuela. I couldn't really see her since the men were in the way. They got her onto a stretcher with ease and hurriedly pulled her out of the room. I approached my mother.

"Mamá what happened?" I asked worriedly.

No response.

"Mamá?" I called. She turned to me, looking at me for a long time. After a while, she pulled me into a hug. We just stayed there for who knows how long. Then we heard a familiar jingle alerting us that someone entered the house. I walked out leaving my mother in the room to see my father. His clothes were a little disheveled, his eyes bloodshot like moms and held with worry.
He passed without taking a glance at me, hurriedly walking to Abuelas room. The door is then shut and I am left alone. I sneakily tiptoe to the door, trying to make as little noise as possible. "Cariña. My friend from the hospital informed me that...she...I'm sorry." My father stumbled with his words. What is he talking about? Hospital? What happened to Abuela? I wondered.

A sob is then ripped through the quiet still air. It was my mothers. I've never heard her cry before, she is usually held up and bold faced. Always smiling and cracking jokes. But now she's not. And I don' that.

3 weeks later...

She's dead. Abuela's dead. And there was nothing I could've done to stop it. I hate myself for being so useless. I should've stayed home on that day. Spend as many hours with her as possible. I should have told her how much I loved her and how much she meant to me. But I didn't. I didn't get to say goodbye. And I hate myself because I didn't get to say goodbye.

I stuck myself in my room after the funeral. Only coming out for dinner after my parents begged me for about 30 minutes. I haven't been the same since Abuela died. I don't shower, I don't sleep, I barely eat, and I haven't been to school in days.

What's the point?

The next day...

"Hija, you have to go to school today. I know you have been through a lot these past couple of weeks but por favor, please, go to school today." My mom said to me. My head was stuffed into my pillow, under my comfy orange and brown, overweight, knitted blanket Abuela made for me.

I mumbled some incoherent words, hoping that would be my answer towards her. I then felt a tug on my ankles. I was pulled to the end of my bed. "No more sitting around doing nothing. We were all affected by this, not just you. She was my mother, hija. But I'm still getting up everyday living on for her. Live for her Connie. Live for your Abuela." My mom said exasperated. Her face was a slightly red tone and her eyes had bags under them.

She was right. I should start living for her. Sitting around isn't going to do anything but make me more sad. I decided to go to school.

When she got to school...

I was looking around for my friends, trying to find where they were. I spotted them sitting on the lawn, criss crossed on their phones.

"Hey guys!" I said with a fake smile. "Did ya' miss me?"

My friend Samantha spoke up "Miss you? You were gone?" A collective murmur started up asking similar questions.

"Um well yea. My grandma passed and I was grieving for a bit. You know I couldn't even get out of bed, it was so-" I said but was then interrupted by Lacy. "Ok. That's nice. Hey did you guys hear about what happened to Charlotte..." They all turned to her and started talking amongst their little group. And I was outcasted.

No "Omg I'm so sorry for your loss." or "If you need anything, come and talk to us." or "We'll all lend you a shoulder to cry on". Nothing. That's when I realized that I didn't have any true friends, I just had people I hung out with because I didn't want to be lonely.

"Well **** you too."

I walked away looking down at the ground. Suddenly I bumped into a hard chest and almost fell back until I was caught by a pair of arms. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?" the voice said. "Yea, yea I'm fine. Are you okay? I bumped into you after all." I said.

"Yes, I'm fine." He chuckled. "Well, Hi. My name is Baron." He held out his hand.

"Hey, my name is Connie." I greeted taking his hand.

"What about me!" a feminine voice said behind him. He rolled his eyes and said "Oh, and this is my little sister Kenna."

"Hiii." She spoke. I greeted her back with the same energy. "We're new to the school. You are officially my new best friend as of now. Since I don't have any friends at the moment." She said and then whispered the last part.

For the first time, I laughed. And I was smiling. Not fake smiling, real smiling.

I was happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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(Connie Destroys the Zero) continuation of something i did in class Where stories live. Discover now