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"minnie goodbye!" Hyunjin said waving goodbye at his neighbor aka best friend showing his friend a small smile. Trying hard to cheer up even if tears were falling down his face. "Bye! R-remember our promise." Minnie the one leaving said trying to stop his voice from cracking. Hyunjin just nodded at that and slowly Hyunjin saw the other get in the car as the car started to get farther and farther away. Hyunjin went to cling to his mother and hug her. Seeing how his son was crying she thought that Hyunjin was cute but at the same time also felt bad for his son those 2 have always been best friends but people come and go. It was nothing new.


"Hyunjin-ah why do you have so much clothes? We're not going to another country." Han said kind of stressed with his bestfriend.

"But we're moving to a new dorm I have to be prepared." Hyunjin defended Han just rolled his eyes at that.

"Well can you please move faster? We've been here for hours and that's only your clothes." Han groaned.

"Well maybe if you helped me in packing we'd be done already you asshole." Hyunjin backfired.

"Oh my gosh do you really have to fight about everything" I.N interfered getting irritated by his friends tactics.

"You're lucky Channie hyung isn't here" I.N added. Han and Hyunjin always loved to tease each other and quarrel and as a result they always get scolded by Chan. The 2 just huffed under their breath and just continued to fix the things that they'd bring.

After a few minutes Chan finally arrived to pick the 3 up.

"I think there would be new students" Chan suddenly brought up.

"Really?" I.N said the information new to him.

"Yeah I heard the student council talking about it, I think one is my grade and the other is probably yours."

"Girl or boy?" Han asked.

"Oh my god Han Jisung" Hyunjin face palmed himself knowing Han's tactics very well.

"What? I was just asking." Han shrugged.

"Based from the name both boys I think, I mean Lee Minho and Kim Seungmin are boy names right?" Chan said.

Lee Minho and Kim Seungmin? Hyunjin thought not even knowing why those names ringed a bell. Min... Minnie? The name of his childhood best friend suddenly popping up in his mind. What? Yah Hwang Hyunjin have you gone insane there's so many Min's around the world. Hyunjin thought to himself. Shaking his head to snap out of it...

 I'm still here, Always / Hyunho / Seungjin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now