The Greatest Excuses to Working Out

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Dedicated to all people of this world that has annoying excuses to working out

Inspired by them

A lot of people find working out time-wasting, time-consuming and tiring, boring, can't keep up to the weekly routine, having better things to do, the pain you don't want to look guy-ish, dieting, thing. And all those are 100 excuses. Isn't this often? People have lots of excuses to do something good for them yunno that will benefit them. But when it isn't important, they always squeeze in time for it from their schedule. It's pretty funny. Let's talk about these annoying excuses.

Time Wasting

Working out is defiantly not time-wasting. I did research and realized people really find it time-wasting. They have statements like "they have better things to do" etc. To start with, every human should definitely have a schedule. Well not everyone does have a schedule; you always plan your day even if you do not write it down. (Writing it down is much preferable or having it on your phone). Once is done consistently, with discipline you have it as your ritual and it won't be stressful. I know most people are pretty busy all day; we're all hustling. But the thing is; you aren't busy all week. If you are, you are pretty much of a workaholic and it isn't good for your health either. Days like Saturdays and Sundays are perfect for some people like you. You could do it just to keep your body fit. After all, that is the basic thing about Working Out. Sometimes, a person has a few hours after work and straight off his bed. People like that should put yoga into consideration because it relaxes your nerves and trusts me, instead of pain while exercising, feels relief and peace while doing yoga in the evening. As a high school student, from the science department, yoga helps me a lot and of course, it isn't Time Wasting.

Time Consuming

Some people exercise for an hour or over an hour. They do that because they have all day planned. A weekly exercise for a beginner could start for just 30 minutes for an intense workout. And do not forget your goals in working out. Personally working out for me I spend 1 hour for exercise and 40mins for yoga then I watch TV Eat and sleep. So it isn't time-consuming. You could exercise 4 or 5 times a week, Monday to Friday or Monday to Saturday; then Sundays rest days.

Tiring and Boring

Working out is actually interesting and fun. It is understandable if you don't have a partner to exercise with I sometimes happen to me. But you could exercise while watching comedy or movie or your favourite series. Working out can only be tiring when you are getting tired of some routines. You need to boost up your spirit and make sure your workout routine is straight and direct is mainly for what you're working out for. Lastly, listen to music while you work out. Always update your playlist.


This is a result of laziness and tiredness. If you don't have anything to enjoy your workout as a beginner you will not feel like doing it the next day. And you must be determined. Remember that whatever reasons you're working out for, you are improving your health in one way or the other. Someone is not meant to force you to exercise you make your r making yourself free from pains and improving your health. You are helping your future and present.

Guy-ish looking and thin

This is ridiculous true; this is just for the females. A lot of females feel working out might just make them look guy-ish. Yunno has packs, muscles, strong tight decreases breasts and a strong-looking face. When I first started working out at the age of 14, 1010 February umm a week before Valentine's Day, I started building up myself and realize my body began to shape up. I'm noting about curves no. my body was defining and I became extra flexible. I looked feminine still. But after a few months and I started enjoying my everyday routines, I even leant how to do a split and I added yoga to it as well. From February to May, I looked thin 'because I did the wrong combination of exercises but I was eating healthy. And after a few months, later during September. My frames at my back were looking as if they were a guy's. and I became muscular a bit. ( I honestly wish I have the photos) I dint mind it but this year 2021 April to June my classmates noticed my frames ad arms were really built up. Some even said I looked like a guy from behind. What does my story mean? The combination of exercises you do determines your body. I made 3 mistakes which are:

1) I didn't listen to my par my mum when I was becoming thin and overdoing my exercises.

2) I overdid myself and I did not read about the exercise and what they do.

3) I began to see my stomach diving into 6 parts.

Today, there aren't any 'cause I stopped for some personal reasons affecting my nutrition. The mistake is, I'm a female and I am way too young to have them. I shouldn't have done them. But it's a choice though. I learnt from my mistakes and I'm I changed my whole workout routine. I read about them. But honestly, I look fit and well my stomach doesn't have those divisions anymore. It's just as flat as it is.


The more you exercise especially abdominal exercises, then you'll not eat the normal way you do. Your feeding will change in all ways. If you eat a lot exercise will make you eat less. Besides there are kinds of dieting read about them and choose the one the suits you best; like I do.

In conclusion, your workout out determines your body and your body determines your workout. After reading this article I'm sure you must have concluded to yourself if want to workout not. If you're not convinced then read my next article, do I need to work out?

Stay blessed and stay safe.


Hey family!

So this is a new article that I wrote ages ago but I just couldn't publish it for some reason. I hope this article helps people realise that they are all just making unnecessary excuses. I hope it benefited everyone that read it. enjoy the video too.. it is a plus...

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