the girl

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No one knows my story, mind you this is very difficult for me to open up but I think I'm ready to tell it. When I was a freshman in high school, there was a guy on the bus. He looked older than at least seventeen. I kept to myself, very few people in my social circle but he tried to push his way towards me. From the very first time I met him, my gut screamed at me to stay away. Maybe that was a weird vibe I got or maybe there was something else about him. I tried like hell to stay away, I really did.
It's almost noon in Washington, and my mom is sure to be on her way which means i get the wrath of the wicked witch of the west. if only there was a way for me to leave. leave and never look back. I finished my everyday chores and then some before one o clock. My step dad sat in the car probably asleep for what seemed like hours. I wished he would come in so I could go for my daily walk. trash and get the mail.... luckily it's a beautiful day.
It's been over an hour since I put the chicken in the oven. I turned off the oven and walked outside. i waved to Mike who started to stir in the car and i went on. I took the trash out, said hi to one of the maintenance guys and started the trek to the mail. I walked by the little park area and saw a little girl playing with her dog, screaming with joy, and laughter. she's a little cutie, long stick straight brown hair, with dark brown eyes, with a round face, and chubby cheeks. she screams with such happiness that its contiguous,. I found myself smile smiling. Her dog, bigger than she is looks like a husky mix. There was another girl holding the dog tight while he was barking up a storm.
"He's friendly, he just likes to bark." the girl said. I put my hand out for the dog to smell.
"He's cute. What's his name?" i asked her.
"jasper. named after one of my favorite characters in a movie." she responded.
"twilight? mine is alice.'' I told her.... I watched as her face lit up.
"team edward. all the way." she very happily announced.
"really? He seems too controlling to me. but I'm not a fan of jacob either." ok so whenever someone asked me what team are you in, in twilight groups i've always said Alice. I officially claimed myself as the president of the team alice fan club.
"He's not really just overly protective of bella." she stated.
"So what's your name?" I asked her to pet jasper.
"Friends call me Gabby. But my real name is Fiona Gabriella Chavez." she introduced herself, sticking her hand out for me to shake.
"Hey gabby. My name is Addrianna. but my friends just call me addy.'' I told her.
"Hey, nice to meet you. That little one is kaity.s she's my niece."
"She's cute. How old is she?" i asked. ok so i know your not really suppose to ask that but i think it's ok with a little kid right?
"She's going on seven. she's a pain though." I giggled
"weren't we all at that age?"
"so gabby? Chicago fire? Is that where that's from?" i asked. I hope she knows about chicago fire. If not then I look like a real idiot.
"YES! I can't believe you got that so quickly. you watch that show?" she asked.
"Well, only every week. I'm obsessed with kelly severide." I said.
"Mine is Matt casey. I LOVE him. But him and Gabby oh ya I ship those too."
"I Loved them together. it's too bad she left. I love Stella and Kelly together. Talk about relationship goals." My phone chimed indicating a text message.
"Where are you? Dinner is ready. " It read. I quickly typed back "getting the mail"
"I would love to stay here and chit chat but I've got to go and get my mail and head back. But it's been really good to meet you gabby. "
"Sad ok. It's great meeting you."
I walked away towards the mail boxes, grabbed the mail and headed home. I can't tell how many cars tried to hit me while crossing. But one car in particular, the driver looked oddly familiar to me. Seeing him sent my mind back to those days, back to freshman year in high school. My mind was still there when I made it to my apartment. I walked up the stairs able to hear my mother laugh. I walked in and placed the mail on the bar counter and trotted into the kitchen where I fixed up my plate of chicken and rice.
"What was in the mail? Any boxes?" she asked with no hello or how was your day.
"nope just the same ol bills." I replied. I grabbed my plate and sat down on the floor where I stuffed my face with my food.
"What did you do today besides sit on your ass?" Aubrey asked.
"Dusted, took trash out, cooked." I told her. But she never believes me when I say I do everything.
"Well obviously not a very good job of it." She told me. God sometimes I think she's worse then my father.
"A thank you would be nice." She looked at me with madness in her eyes.
After a long cold winter, spring has arrived. It's somewhat warm but it's pouring. Of course I gotta love Washington. Before my mother comes home, I go out and face the rain. Minutes out and I am drenched from the rain.
Walking back from the mail, a car pulls up next to me. I took a glance at the car and I thought it was Raphael driving. Raphael is a man... No a boy I once knew in high school.
He is a boy that I wish to forget, a boy who acted nice in high school but . He gave me a bad vibe when we were on the bus together. I turn around and walked away quickly but the car stays next to me driving slowly until I break into a full run and as I look behind me I notice that he turned down a different street. I lean against the wall breathing hard. My heart feels like it's gonna beat out of my chest. I turned around to head up the stairs but only to run into Mike, my step dad.
"Shit!" I felt like my heart skipped a beat. I felt it skip a beat.
"What's wrong?" He asked, almost dropping his coffee cup.
"Nothing. I'm ok." I replied. Mike gave me a strange look then carried on going upstairs. I stole a glance back towards the direction I ran. The car was gone. I knew he couldn't have been Raphael. He's serving a six year sentence in prison. But the man looked exactly like the man I thought I was rid of.
Going up the stairs, visions flooded my mind. Memories of Raphael on top of me, thrusting. He held his hand on my throat, my wrists were taped to the bars of the bed. But that was his mistake. Once he was done and out of the room where I was being held, I ripped the tape free. I escaped out of a window and ran as far as I could as fast as I could. I ran through the darkness. I thought I got away or at least close but the next thing I knew I took a wrong step and the next thing I know I'm on the ground screaming. My scream must have woken up my captor or he knew I was gonna escape.
"Thank you for putting those to good use. I was hoping you would." He slammed something into my face which knocked me out cold. After that I don't remember much.
I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl filled with what looks like taco soup. My mothers favorite meal to cook and a day like this. she normally puts A LOT of spices in it which makes it spicy but I like it.
"So mom, how was your day?" I asked her to make conversation. she shrugged her shoulders, her foot on the arm of the chair looking down at her phone. I turned to Mike and asked the same question.
"It wasn't bad. wasn't great, it was a day uneventful. what did you do today?" he replied with a question.
"the same as always. cleaned the bathrooms, mopped, basically cleaned the house." I replied. My mother stole a glance and stared at me with the dirtiest look.
"really? Don't even go there." she said.
"I was just answering his question. what's so wrong about that?"
"It's your attitude."
"What attitude? I have no attitude."
"You know what, never mind. I can't seem to win with you." I got up and marched into the kitchen.
"see there it is. the attitude. Lose the DAMN attitude young lady!" she yelled. Instead of getting into yet another argument with her I stormed into my room and full blasted my headphones. I sat on my bed and listened to the pounding base of five finger death punch. Mike walked in and leaned on my bed. He motioned for me to talk but I don't feel like having a conversation anymore. I pushed my headphones off my head and put my phone next to me on my nightstand.
"what?" I asked him.
"What's wrong? you're extra snappy today." he asked. And of course everything is my fault. I get verbally attacked and It's my fault....
"Nothing, I've done nothing to her, oh yeah except clean her house but yet if I answer your question then I have an attitude. yeah this day is just peachy."
"You've seemed off even before you walked in. or did you forget the stairwell?" he said.
"Nothing is off Mike." I kinda sounded defensive but that's really nothing new.
"I have the feeling I shouldn't believe you. So I will ask again what's going on?"
"And I'll say it again.. NOTHING is wrong."
"Ok well your mother is right though. You did have an attitude that you did need to lose. Ok?"
"What am I a kid? I'm almost 18. I'm old enough to tell it the way it is and by the sound of my voice I didn't have an attitude. She's the one yelling at me for no damn reason. So if there's anyone who should watch they're attitude it's her."
"Ok I get what your saying I really do but your mom she had a tough day at work with take it easy on her. She's trying the best she can with what she has."
"Yeah I get it. But do you see how she treats me? I haven't done anything to her but clean her house."
"I get it. I really do but you need to give her a break to. She's had a tough day and She's trying her best with what she has." He said
"Yeah I know."
"Well I will talk to her get her to ease up a little on you. But meet us halfway." He said before he walked out of my bedroom leaving me to my memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2021 ⏰

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