1st prolog I thought of for something

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I haven't titled this yet but just to let you know it is based off of something in my mind( gets kinda crazy sometimes)

I would always see a boy with brown hair and amber eyes. He would always play the piano and I would stand at the door and listen to his beautiful music. I would write music and put it under the desk where he gets his music from. (You know like the seat that pianist sit at when they play, well they can lift the top of it and put their music in there. If not no big deal:) he would always look at it and play it and tweak it here and there, but one day he came in early as I was putting the music that I completed in the place. "Hey! Are you the one who composes these!" I turned surprised. "Y-yeah why?" I asked he was really cute when you get a better look at him. "They're really good!" He smiled "my name is....."
(Well can't write all of it for you, or me since can't think of a name yet.... He could be Allen, or L, or Leaf, or Jeff or Ben...
Random person: um Sky-chan I think they get it
Me: you think so Ruby? (Random name for randomness!)
Well bye bye :D

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