Part one (A)

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A girl rides on a scooter with dark purple handle with her friend following behind her. She rolled up a large hill and turned on a road. By the time her friend got up the hill, she was gone. Her friend turned where they thinks she might have gone. It's a backyard.

He looks for his friend. She is on a steep mound of dirt right in the middle, fighting with the forces of gravity. He grounds a foot on the ground and looks around.

Surrounding the road where they came from there were trees. The driveway was relatively long, and at the other side of it was an off white house with a dark brown roof and red shutters on the windows. It looked quite new. Certainly newer than his house, at least.

He turns back to the side of the backyard with that hideous pile of dirt on it, and his friend wasn't there. He didn't know if she was gone or if she was simply behind the mountain of dirt.

He shrugged and rode around the driveway. He didn't know whose house it was, but it didn't matter. People don't have that kind of common sense in dreams.


A dream I had over a year agoWhere stories live. Discover now