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Lee: Hi humans!...And fairies...and everyone else...welcome to my new show called Lee Exposes People!

(Bri: Great...)

Lee: Shut up, you're not even in here technically. Now you're up first since you said something!...but that's for the first part.

Lee: *Pulls out a rule book that has rules written on them.* So um...there's really no rules in here! You guys can go as crazy as you want!😂


Lee: Okay fine there's one: Well it's not really a rule but you guys can request characters for me to dig up info on!...Or Bri's OC's or your OC's too. Or even info for said characters. And it's only the first NNK game buuuut I might include other fandoms later.

Lee: I think that's it, so have fun learning stuff!

(There might be language in here because Lee but I'll try to proofread her script and sensor it. -_-

Also Arrow's OC's WILL be in here at some points or at least mentioned. So I don't have to keep repeating this, Arrow owns:




and anyone else I borrow. (I'll add to this list as more get mentioned.)There, that should be good for the whole book! 😄)

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