Light is WHERE!?

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Charli's answer struck by her answer "I have to think about it Luca." Light was of course expecting Charli to say no but after that Light came out of the bushes and shouted"REALLY CHARLI ARE YOU KIDDING ME AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, MONTHS, WEEKS, DAYS, HOURS, MIONUTES, SECONDS YOU SAY I WILL THINK ABOUT INSTEAD OF NO WELL YOU KNOW WHAT HAVE HIM CAUSE YOU SEEM TO LOVE HIM MORE!'' "Light no please don't be like this" Charli cried out, and trying to chase Light, Charli kept crying out for forgiveness Light ran out into the street and well you probably already know he got hit by a toilet truck and got knocked out.

                                                                              (5 HOURS LATER)

"IS HE OKAY!?" Asked Alex as she look worried so did the rest of the squad "Yes but he is in a coma we don't know how long it will be but you can look at him just make it quick please" Said the doctor the squad went in one by one first Alex "Hey Light remember when you tried to teach me skateboarding and I felled on my butt fifty times you were always ready to catch me but laugh at the same time I missed those days already please wakeup." Next was Levi "Hey Light doing role-plays made the time of my life especially ones with you come back to us" Next were Sora and Jaxx but Jaxx talked since Sora was too sad "Hey Light please come back we need you, you're the Light in our life hah remember your cringe we all love you Light." And last Charli and Luca but Charli talked since Luca has mixed feelings about him "Hey Light I'm really sorry for my answer to Luca I was just caught up in the moment and well I guess it went overboard I need you we all do Light and In only have one question Light, LIGHT CAN YOU HEAR ME!"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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