Chapter 1: He stole my attention

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People think that prosecutors, lawyers, police officers have a lot of thrills in their life, they wish to be in their places so they would experience the action they see in movies. Little did they know that those individuals' lives are boring and lacked fun. I wake up every day to make my own breakfast then I arrive at work to meet the dirtiest criminals. I would sit across many filthy human beings and ask them all kinds of questions to hear their unrealistic answers. Sometimes, I investigate the crime scenes and meet with the victims' family which is a part of my job that breaks my heart. 

I spend 15% of my time in the court of law, all the people I meet are very strict and firm, I grew up wishing to find the one who will add colors to my bland world. Today is another day where I accompany the police to arrest a very important suspect in the case I am currently working on. For a month now, I have been trying to catch a serial killer who goes around the street of California and kills random people. His method is always the same, a bullet that lands right in his victim's skull. He is a neat killer, he does not like to stain his clothes with blood, and he leaves behind a note stating the reason why this victim has died. 

I am currently heading to a bar with my colleague, Noah, and the police officers to catch the suspect we have in mind. "A serial killer who is a bar manager, how typical," Noah commented while driving. "We have no solid proof yet. All we have on him is his ID at one of the crime scenes and his biological relation to one of the other victims," the serial killer has killed three victims until now. We have failed to find any relation binding the bar manager with the first victim yet.

"Killer or not, I do not care. I just want to go back home and sip some wine."

"You are ruining your health, why don't you find a girlfriend to date instead of wasting your time with self-destruction?" I curiously asked not knowing if Noah was a smart detective or just a stupid alcoholic. "And waste more money? You are not economical for someone who stopped receiving an allowance from her parents at a young age," Noah was right, I live alone and I refuse to receive money from my stepdad. "You should say that if we do receive the same salary," I chuckled as I added salt to his wound, he was whining about how prosecutors receive a bigger salary than their personal investigators who do all heavy the work for them.

"I hate you, Laura. I really do," I laughed at his statement and before I know it, we had arrived at the bar. The police car parked right in front of us. I opened the car's door and followed the cops inside. I scanned the place with my eyes to spot the var manager standing right behind the counter blabbering with one of the guests. His eyes met mine and he paused his previous conversation to focus on us. "How may I help you?" he addressed the young cop who approached him. 

"You have to come with us as you are considered a suspect in the Maginton case. Your cooperation is requested and every word you say from now on could be held against you in the court of law," the officer stated as he put handcuffs to our suspect's hands. We were about to leave when we suddenly heard a voice erupting from behind. "May I ask what is going on? I am this bar's owner."

I turned around to look at the man whose voice managed to run shivers through my body. He was broad-shouldered, not muscular but not skinny, his eyes were dark brown and his height was above average. He was smoking a cigar and wearing all black, his aura was very special, it was my first time seeing someone like him. He seemed mysterious to me, someone whom I do not meet daily, someone whom I want to know more about. "We are the police. We came to arrest Mr. Michael as a suspect in our case. Sorry for causing any inconvenience, we will be leaving now."

I contemplated the man who has not shown any reaction to the officer's statement. He did not seem to care about his manager being caught, the kind of man who would be thinking something like 'Ah, is that right? I will have to recruit someone in his place, how bothersome'. I was staring into him when he abruptly moved his eyes in my direction, he purposely checked me out as he stared back. We held eye contact for a solid 30 seconds now before I broke it from boredom. 

 After receiving no reply, the officers decided to take their leaves. I rode the car with Noah still thinking about that guy. How could someone be this charismatic when I haven't even spoken to him yet, he was not the most handsome person I have seen but he was charming in many ways that I personally did not understand. "What are you thinking about?" Noah drove me out of my inner thoughts. "About partying tonight, I want to try pulling some fun into my world."

"Workaholic Laura surely has changed."

"We are all addicted to a certain something," we have reached the police station now. I witnessed the interrogation phase with Noah, Michael kept denying all charges against him. After a long argument, Michael decided to plead the fifth by not responding any further and just waiting for his lawyer to arrive. "We are not going anywhere today, Mrs. Prosecutor. You can come back by tomorrow," the chief officer clarified. "Okay, we will be going now." 

I was happy to check out of work at 6 pm. I wanted to quickly go back home, wear something fancy, and head to the bar to get another good glance at the man who managed to attract my full attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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