break yourself into a thousand pieces.

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a man sat in a room, the only thing accompanying him would be the bed that he was sitting on, a few hoodies and sweatpants scattered around the floor along with a pack of cigarettes sitting on a shelf.

tap. tap. tap.

blunt noises came from the other side of the foggy window. the ravenette shot up from his seat on the bed, grinning exitedly. he slipped a dark blue beanie on over his head, making his way to the window. he opened the window and popped the screen, a blue-ish grey figure floated inside. a blue-ish grey figure floated to the bed, smiling at the man.

the man smiled back, resting on the small bed alongside the whispy, smoky figure. said smoky figure spoke up, his voice deep and raspy, gravelly and rough.

" its adorable how you're always so happy to see me. "
" oh, shut up. "
the whisp laughed, a gutteral cackle spilling out from his lips.

really, he obviously didnt mean that. he was incredibly obsessive over the spirit. every night he would sit and wait for the tap tap on the fogged window.

and when the grey man was in his room he would obsess over every move the ghost made.

he would watch when his calloused fingers ran through his greasy hair. he would stare at his dead eyes. sometimes, even, if he didnt fall asleep after, he would take out a notebook or his phone and write out every single action the phantasm had made. wether it be soft, faint phantom touches over his own tan skin, or it be rough arguing and fighting, pushes and shoves.

he was utterly obsessed. the soft touches intoxicating. his attention better than drugs. and he craved it.

the pale grey man reached over, grabbing the pack of cigarettes from the shelf, as well as a lighter from his back pocket. because a ghost, whenever the phantom came in contact with anything inanimate it would become slightly transparent while in posession, temporarily in the spectral field until out of the eidolons hands.

he lit it, taking a drag before looking at the other curiously.

" what, are ya gonna just stare orrr..? "
" shut up schlatt. "
" aww. i dont blame ya, im hot as shit "

schlatt, the apparent name of the spectral, took the cigarette out of his mouth and exhaled, dark smoke curling into the air. he passed it to quackity, the apparent name of the ravenette.

quackity accepted it, taking it inbetween his two fingers and watching as it turned more opaque, temporarily leaving the spectral field. he inhaled, dragging it out and watching as burning orange embers fell from the hot tip and onto his leg, burning a hole through his sweatpants. he exhaled the smoke and passed it back, in which the ram took back happily.

they talked. talked for a while. they sat on the bed, the smell of tobacco filling the room as they shared about whatever came to their minds. quackity had a notebook and a pen in his hands, sometimes when the eidolon stopped paying attention he would record quotes and/or actions of the eerie phantom.
500+ words

hey all!! thought this would be pretty interestin to write.. what do you guys think??? im really trying to improve my writing aaaa

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