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We arrived at the fairgrounds.

Katy rode off on Flicka.

Miranda joined her on her horse.

Jack, Howard, Nell, and me sat on the bleachers.

Rick and Esther joined us.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Red Gulch Roundup!"

The crowd cheered.

"Now, for those of you that may be visiting our beautiful State for the first time, welcome to Wyoming! In our grand entry today, our flags are being carried by Miss. Rodeo America and her lovely assistant. And all of our beauty a-horseback."

The beauty a-horseback had two American flags.

Miss. Rodeo America had the American flag.

Her assistant had the Wyoming flag.

"Now in the center of the Arena is the world Champion trick roper, Mr. Gene McLaughlin!"

Gene was doing loop tricks.

"They say in every Cowboy's life, he gets a... Good horse, a good woman, and a good loop."

He had an assistant too.

"Alright, folks, it's Rodeo time, but it seems that Miss. Rodeo America needs my assistance..."

The announcer helped Miss. Rodeo America.

I was eating pink Cotton Candy.

"Aw, honey, how could you eat that stuff?" Nell questioned.

"It makes me sweeter."

"You're already sweet."

We bumped shoulders.

"I hate to ask this but I must ask this: Where is your girl?" Rick questioned.

"Out there with yours."

"How'd you convince her to do it?"

"Katy owned him a favor." Howard answered.

"And she's gonna continue to owe him a favor." Jack added.

"By staying out of trouble."

"She hangs out with Miranda, she'll be good."


"You know what I think you should do, Katy?"


"Try to become Miss. Rodeo America. It's all over the world and only eight barrels."

"I don't think so. Not right now at least. She's still healing."

"Miranda never told us what happened."

"Let's just say: Katy paid the consequences for her actions."

Miranda felt Flicka's neck with her neighing softly.

"You can still feel them."

"I learnt a lesson. I made a decision that nearly got the both of us killed. I will not do so again."

"You know, the both of you won't be able to withstand an attack like that again."


"I guess the both of them don't know your temperature keeps spiking. It's on and off everyday."

"As long as it doesn't spike further than 105, I'm good."

"According to who? You?"

"Yes. I can bring my own spiked temperature down. I'm not a baby about it. Like half of the girls at that school obviously excluding you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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