Happy Halloween

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Halloween has come. The time of year I can finally be myself. The time of year I can come out and be seen without being judged. The time of year my internal hunger and thirst for sustenance is at its ultimate peak. The one day I feast as if it is my last. As I pear out from where I reside, I notice the sun is setting, and I couldn't be more excited. My mouth starts to water as I imagine picking apart my victims piece by piece, shred by shred, watching the flesh peel of their still conscious and screaming pathetic bodies. Humans always fascinated me. I spend my days observing these creatures and all I have come to the conclusion about them is that they are selfish little creatures. Always taking what they want and always trying to get their grubby little hands on something. Don't get me started on their language. They sound like a bunch of babbling half wits. Watching them eat is horrific but who am I kidding, there is no comparison to the way I devour my prey. You see I have learned to hibernate my hunger the rest of the year until this very night. Halloween. Why you ask? Have you seen what humans look like? Horrific on the outside, tasty on the inside. I can't stomach these pesky rats without them being dressed up distastefully at best. There is also the fact that they never see me coming. They never suspect me. Oh no. Not me. I may not be from this realm, but on this night, I hide in plain sight. I may be behind you as you walk side by side with your partner. That breathing you heard in your other ear, guess who... That tap you felt on your shoulder, guess who.... That wet tongue on your neck, guess who.... That knife like jab in your side, guess who.... The shark like teeth sinking into your throat , ripping and thrashing within their grasp, guess who...The piercing red eyes staring back lifelessly into yours, guess....who... If I choose you, you are so very special. To bad you won't understand how very special you are. How savory. How nutritious.
If you only knew how your sweet flesh tasted.  Unfortunately, you will never know but luckily for me, I get to enjoy every drop. Nothing can save you from me once I have you. Meer mortals; you may all be brain dead, but you sure make a perfect meal for this walking nightmare.

My name doesn't matter. My name is not what you need to worry about. I come from a different dimensional realm that you don't need to know about either. All you need to know is three things. One. I will kill you if you see me. Two. Death by an individual such as myself is the most painful, nothing compares. And three; If I capture you, and you try to escape...well...let's just say... I wouldn't do that if I were you. You don't want to see me angry let alone see me at all. Silly little human. Speaking of humans. Hello there. You. Yes you. Reading this right now. This very moment. Did you hear that sound? No? Listen closer. Ah, now you hear it don't you. Can't pinpoint where its coming from can you... That's right. That's because it's coming from within yourself. Oh don't you panic. Keep reading. That's right. Grip you blanket, hug it tight, nothing you do is going to save you now. You feel that on your neck? That soft, light nail like scratching down the center of your neck. Don't worry, that's just me testing your blood levels. Seems good enough for me. Oops, didn't mean to make your lights flicker. Don't be afraid...or do; doesn't matter to me. What's wrong? You seem to be heating up. Look at me acting as if I didn't just inject a paralyzer into your spine while you were to distracted reading this. Shhh. Lay back but keep reading. You must want to know what happens to you don't you? Yes. Yes thats right. Read these words. The more distracted I have you the more I can do to you. Feel that grip on your ankle? You will lose feeling in your left foot soon, but trust me when I say not to fight it. It will only make it worse. Aw, don't shiver, that's only my devilish tongue gliding across your neck. I don't normally do this, but I want to save you. For later. Maybe in a few minutes, maybe i'll save you for a few hours later. But I'll be in the corner of your room. Waiting... watching... Once your lights are out, you will know I am there, right in the corner. If you are lucky you will see my red eyes piercing down at you to keep you frozen perfectly in fear for me to devour. So rest easy. You are in for a long night little human. And the worst part of all, only you can imagine what I look like.

Happy Halloween.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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