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After my near-death experience on my private landing platform, I was informed that I would be receiving extra security to ensure my safety. I argued against it, but nothing was going to sway the decision. That brings us to the present. I'm sitting in my senatorial apartment, waiting for my Jedi protectors to arrive. I am joined by a handful of my handmaidens, named Zora, Gian, Shawna, and Bri. When I hear the turbolift come to a stop outside my apartment, I stand up and clasp my hands in front of myself in a show of respect. The doors open, and two Jedi step inside. "Greetings," I say simply. "Hello. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is my Padawan, Anakin Skywalker," the older of the two says, bowing slightly. Anakin does the same, and I begin to wonder why he hasn't said a single word yet. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Senator," he says, as though he knew what I was thinking. Ugh. He is definitely not my type. Quite the opposite, in fact. I see more of Raptin in him than anyone I have met on Coruscant so far, I think to myself with distaste. Raptin is probably my least favorite Dinaurian I've ever met. He often makes me wonder if he's secretly a Separatist. He's a handsome guy, don't get me wrong, but he's also extremely intelligent and resourceful. I was still able to beat him in the senatorial campaign on Dinauria though, which is probably a good thing. He seemed like a nice guy when I first met him, but that changed pretty quickly. Now we're bitter enemies, and I wonder if he doesn't have something to do with what happened to me on the landing platform. "I don't really need protection. I was firmly opposed to the idea of having two Jedi protectors, but I was overruled," I say, turning away from them. "With all due respect, milady, having two Jedi to protect you, you couldn't be in safer hands," Anakin says. "Whatever," I say, not interested in hearing his opinions. The weird thing about it is that even though I don't like him, I feel safe with Anakin around, unlike Raptin. He even looks to be close to my nineteen years of age, which is oddly comforting to me.

"I don't need you to be in my room. Besides, the attacker would be less likely to attack if there's anyone else but me in my room. I'll program Arfour to detect anything abnormal," I say. "Hmm. Interesting point there. I agree. Anakin and I can sense if anything might be about to happen to you from out here," Kenobi says, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "Thank you," I say, heading to bed for the night. After what feels like only a few seconds, I'm awake again, and I'm almost immediately blinded by the blue light emanating from Anakin's lightsaber hovering over me. "What are you doing?!" I ask angrily. "Poisonous parasites. You should be thankful that I killed them," he says, and I see Kenobi leap out of my window, making me gasp in horror. "Relax, he caught a probe droid. Still, I should probably go save him," Anakin says, taking off before I can respond.

"So, how did the meeting with the Jedi Council go?" I ask the following afternoon. "It went well, and we may have a lead as to who is trying to kill you," Obi-Wan says. "That's a relief," I say with a polite smile. "The Council has asked me to look into the matter, and they believe that you will be safer if you were to return to Dinauria for the time being," he adds, and my smile falters. "You know that I do not like the Council being involved in my security, Obi-Wan," I say. "I understand that, but there's nothing I can do about it, Senator Nichs," he says. "I know that, but I appreciate your understanding," I reply. Obi-Wan's face changes ever-so-slightly, making me uncomfortable. "What is it?" I ask him. "You are going to have a Jedi joining you on your return to Dinauria, milady," he says, and I look at him in confusion. "If that was all, why do you look so unsure of yourself?" I ask. "Because the Council has assigned Anakin to accompany you to Dinauria," he explains. "No! I won't allow it! I will accept any other Jedi, but not Anakin Skywalker," I say furiously. "Milady, there's nothing I can do. I can't go against the Council's decision," he says. "Can I tell you why I'm so opposed to Anakin accompanying me to Dinauria?" I ask, and he nods. "Okay, but no one can know what I am about to tell you, understand?" I ask. "I understand, milady," he replies. "The reason that I am so opposed to Anakin accompanying me is that he greatly reminds me of someone that I thought that I could trust, only to be stabbed in the back by him," I say. "I can assure you, Anakin would not do such a thing, even if he doesn't always do what he's told," Obi-Wan says, and I sigh. "I suppose that I can try to trust him to keep me safe," I say. "That's all I ask," Obi-Wan says, just as the turbolift comes to a halt outside of my apartment. "I'll see you around, Senator Nichs," Obi-Wan says. "Yeah, see you, Obi-Wan," I say, waving to him as he steps into the turbolift, while Anakin exits. I turn on my heel and walk to my bedroom to begin packing for my trip home, leaving Anakin standing there in surprise.

"Would you like some help packing, milady?" Anakin asks. "Sure. Could you put this stuff in a suitcase?" I ask, handing him some of my dresses, which were neatly folded to fit in the drawers of my dresser. "Of course, milady," he says. "Make sure that they don't unfold!" I call over my shoulder. "Gotcha," he says, and I watch him put my dresses in a suitcase, being very careful to not let them unfold. My eyes widen, and I hope that he doesn't notice it. "What, didn't think I could do it?" He asks, and I inwardly curse myself. "It's just that I usually pack my dresses when I travel somewhere, to make sure they don't unfold and make a mess," I say. "I was concentrating really hard on not letting them unfold, as well as putting them in the suitcase in a way that would save some space," he says. "Look, I want to -" I begin, but he stops me. "I already know that you don't like me or want anything to do with me. You don't have to say anything," he says. "Let me finish. I want to apologize for being so rude to you," I say. He looks at me in bewilderment after that. "I'm trying to make myself feel like I can trust you with my life, Anakin. It's not the easiest thing for me to do, though," I say. "I know. I also know that you see more of someone named Raptin in me, but I want to prove you wrong," he says. I hope that you do, I think to myself, much to my surprise. Once I'm finished packing my things, I head to my personal ship with Anakin. Once we take off, I start to wonder if Anakin Skywalker will be the one who will make me feel truly safe.

Hello. I've always kind of thought that the Dinaurians from the video game Fossil Fighters would fit in pretty well in the Star Wars universe, so this story is sort of the brainchild of that concept. I hope you enjoy it!

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