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Wanda Maximoff has been Queen of Sokovia since she was a teenager. Some say she let the power get to her head. Some say she needs to find a prince charming to settle down with.

Wanda hasn't a care in the world for what they say. She knows her power, and she knows her place; she was born for the throne. Her parents died for it. Her brother fights for it. And she sits upon it. Some might think that to be conceited, but we've already addressed how the Queen feels about the opinions of others.

People fear her. People respect her. From Sokovia to Saint Heim, every villager in every kingdom knows the Queen. The only fools that dare to disrespect her name are the royals of Edenlin—a smaller kingdom on the far side of Saint Heim.

The monarchy of Edenlin knows nothing of ruling a kingdom, despite being in power just as long as the Maximoffs have ruled Sokovia. The King of Edenlin is a despicable, narcissistic man who's always quick to draw his sword. Well, he orders his army to draw their swords. The King doesn't have the selfless courage to go into battle himself.

Wanda has always been able to diffuse a high-tension situation with ease. Despite her cocky, cruel reputation, she is known to be one of the best rulers the area has ever seen.

This latest fiasco, however, would undoubtedly test Wanda's negotiating abilities. And her patience. A king eager to go to a war, and a queen who knows better. A queen who knows that her kingdom is much stronger than his. A queen who knows that a war would decimate Edenlin and devastate Sokovia's resources.

All she has to do is convince the King that he's making a desperate mistake, and persuade him to remain peaceful before it's too late to turn back.

Y/N Castemont, princess of Edenlin, has despised her monarchy for as long as she can remember. Her parents are cruel. All she has ever known is war; her father has declared war with four separate kingdoms since her birth. As soon as she learned to walk, her parents threw her into the world of swords and fighting techniques.

"A Queen must always be prepared for a fight," her father would say. While she doesn't disagree, she would prefer to focus on a more peaceful approach. She's never understood her father's use of violence as a quick solution. Why kill when basic human decency could easily resolve the dispute?

Maybe she would learn more as Queen. Though, in her mind, that's a great distance in the future. For now, she is simply the beautiful, innocent princess that everybody loves.

But there is more to the Princess than the people perceive.

Each morning, she wakes before the sun and battles her demons until she collapses of exhaustion. Each strike of her sword serves as a release of her pent up frustrations. Each swing of the deadly steel blade helps her forget the horrors her father commits on the daily. Each hit her body takes erases the memory of her parents' shame and disapproval.

Y/N hopes that when she takes over the throne, she is given a chance to correct her predecessors' mistakes. She aspires to rule a kingdom of peace, not hatred. She prays that the people of Edenlin can reside in peace instead of fear.

Unfortunately, her parents have other plans for her and the kingdom. She may never get the chance to revive the monarchy. Not unless the Maximoff Queen persuades the King of Edenlin to change his ways, which would prove to cause more death and despair than anyone could ever anticipate.

"I want you to kill the Maximoff Queen, Y/N," the King instructed.

"But, Father-"

"But nothing. I know you care for her, but your kingdom needs you."

"Why me? Why not send Barnes after her?"

"The Queen is strong. You are the only one who will be able to get close enough. Earn her trust. Win her love. And then take away her life."

"I understand, Father. I will make you and Mother proud."

"Good. Now get the hell out of my office."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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