One ~ I'm latching onto you

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"Reece, the word for you is potential"

This boy was cute. I could feel a small smile creeping onto my face.

"Reece, you've got 4 yes's"

My smile grew wider.

"Leah?" My best friend, Mia, hollered from the kitchen.

"What?" I yelled back, not tearing my eyes away from the northern delight who stood surrounded by people hugging him from every direction.

"Come on!" She yelled back louder.

"Fine" I shrugged, pushing myself off the beige sofa and walking towards the television. I took one last glimpse of Reece before switching off the TV and exiting the lounge towards Mia.

"What took you so long?" She huffed, as she tossed her auburn hair over her shoulder and raised her eyebrows. She shifted uncomfortably on the counter where she sat crossed legged.

"I was watching the X Factor" I shrugged nonchalantly, reaching over to grab my bag from the table.

"We're going to be late now anyway" She moaned, as she jumped down from the counter and pushed past me.

"Well, you made me go out last night so I missed The X Factor. Therefore, I watched it this morning" I replied, I rolled my eyes and followed her out of the kitchen and toward the front door.

"I think a party is more important than some stupid show" she snapped, clearly in a bitchy mood.

"Whatever" I laughed, brushing off the situation.

I couldn't get the audition out of my head.

"I'm latching onto you" I sung under my breath as I tied my shoelaces on my old and tattered converses.

"If you start singing I'm going to slap you" Mia snapped, tapping her foot impatiently on the wooden floorboards.

"Sorry" I replied, holding my hands up in defence as she pointed her finger at me.

"Now, come on!" She moaned, she opened the front door and pushed me through it the minute I stood up.

I collapsed onto the pavement outside. I rolled over slightly so I was laying on my back and shot Mia a death glare. I could see she was biting her cheeks to stop herself from laughing.

"That hurt you know" I snapped. Brushing some mud off my knees and pushing myself up.

"I won't let go of you!" she sung sarcastically.

I couldn't help but laugh. The thought of that adorable northern kid still running through my head. His voice whistling through my ears. There was something cute and adorable about him but his voice sent shivers down my spine and gave me chills, not like any singer had before...

I knew Reece was different...

A good different...

"Where are we even going?" I whined as I followed Mia down the cobbled street, dragging my feet along the ground in protest.

"Charlie's" She grinned.

The one and only - Charlie Jones. The most amazing boy you'll meet. He could really brighten any day with just his smile and even his laugh.

"I thought Charlie was out today?" I questioned, catching up to Mia and linking her right arm with my left so we were walking in synchronicity down the road.

"Cancelled" Mia answered, her eyes wide and voice croaky.

I've been best friends with Charlie since we were 3. He'd always been there for me and then when we moved up to secondary school and I met Mia things changed - we got even closer and it's literally like we're brother and sister. We share that bond.

"So why specifically are we going to Charlie's?" I asked raising my left eyebrow, knowing full well what the answer was.

"He asked us too, that's all" she asked, staring down at the ground, her cheeks flaming red.

"Oh sure" I nodded, trying to stop myself from laughing.

See, since the beginning of year 7 Mia has liked Charlie and Charlie has liked Mia. Neither of them know the other person likes them and both of them are too afraid to ask the other person out.

We walked in silence the rest of the way. Mia occasionally mumbling under her breath her greeting to Charlie. To be fair, Charlie couldn't care less how she said hello, whether she said it in English, Spanish, French or even German as long as she was there he didn't really care.

It took a total of 20 minutes to finally reach Charlie's house where I unhooked my arm from Mia's and walked up the garden path. I knocked three times to the large wooden front door and was greeted by a beaming Charlie.

"Girls!" He grinned.

"Aloha" I smirked, I noticed Mia glare at me as I stole her greeting she had been practising the whole way here.

"Uh hi" she shrugged. Blissfully unaware of everyone around her.

"Come in then" Charlie shrugged, opening the door wide and walking through the hallway into the adjoining front room.

I grabbed Mia's arm and pulled her back as she stepped through the huge door frame into Charlie's "mansion" as he called it.

"Don't overreact. We're stepping into THE Charlie Jones's house" I teased then winked as she blushed scarlet. She released her arm from my grip and made her way through the door. I giggled to myself before following her in and slamming the door behind me.

"So..." Charlie started, sitting uncomfortably on the arm chair.

What's wrong with him...

"As you know I auditioned for X Factor and got 4 yes's" he beamed, standing up and bowing as we applauded him.

"Thank you, thank you, please no pictures" he teased, putting his hand up to his face.

Mia laughed uncontrollably until she was rolling on the floor clutching her stomach.

"Mia..." I whispered, glaring from her to Charlie as he watched her giggle uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry" she blushed, picking herself off the floor and sitting quietly on the sofa, avoiding eye contact with Charlie.

"Anyway..." Charlie laughed, his adorable laugh.

"You were saying" I smiled sweetly, walking over and sitting down next to him.

"I got a call from THE Simon Cowell" he started, emphasising the 'the' "and he told me that I'm now part of an 8 piece boy band" he laughed awkwardly.

"Charlie!" I exclaimed.

He looked confused, "are you happy or not?" He glanced at me slightly as if he was scared of my reaction.

"I'm so happy for you!" I practically screamed, jumping onto his lap and engulfing him into a huge hug.

"Who else is in this boy band?" Mia squealed from the opposite sofa.

"I don't know the other 6 but I know Reece" he smiled.

My heart sunk. THE Reece.

"Bibby?" I croaked.

"Yeah, he's a nice lad. I met him at the auditions" he grinned.

"And..." He grinned even more. "I want you two to come with me to bootcamp, if we get through..."

My heart skipped a beat from the sunken pit it was already in.

"Of course!" I grinned, engulfing him in another hug as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I was going to meet Reece...
Well this is better than expected.


Basically, there's a few girls that asked me to write a Reece book so here it is.

It's not brilliant and I'll probably take it down later but here's the first chapter👋

Let me know if you like it&if I should write more x

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