Getting Started

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I'm new to this so don't judge please!
So today I just moved from Texas to Utah basically in the middle of no where. It's 9:30pm so I decided to take a shower and to bed because I was exhausted.
It's 6:05am and I start to get ready to go to my new school. I go downstairs to get breakfast and surprisingly my sister was up. After that I take a shower and start to get dressed.
It took me forever to get dressed since my stuff was still in boxes.
I found my sweatpants and my OBEY shirt. I didn't really do anything special with my hair,so it was in a messy bun.
It's 7:25am and I wait outside for my bus.
All of a sudden I saw this really cute boy. I stayed stationary because I started turning red.I started thinking to myself "God he's cute" apparently it wasn't to myself because he started looking at me. Then he smiled at me,which made me blush even more. He walks up to me and says "hi I'm Adriel." I shook his hand and say "I'm Katie,nice to meet you". I fell silent then he said "so you think I'm cute huh?" He smiled because I blushed a lot but then there was no more hiding it. "Yes sorry If that was weird" before he could say his next sentence I ran so fast. Then I heard my bus so I quickly got on and put my hands in my face. I was SOOO embarrassed! Then he sat next to me. Like out of all people on the bus he sat next to me
"Hey cutie" he said. I was hesitant to say hi back but I said "hi..."

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