The Potions and the Broomsticks

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"Son Hyeju!"

It was loud, ringing through the halls that Hyeju had no choice but to turn in wonder when the heavy panting individual makes it in front of her. The other students are also confused of the Sixth-year Slytherin gliding through the halls to reach her.

Especially since it's Kim Hyunjin, and not the usual loud Choi Yerim who screams her name like she's the only one there.

Hyeju already felt like shit prior to the day starting, sleep-deprived and body aching from quidditch practices, she was hoping to just get back to her dormitory and blend in with one of her blankets, so she is slightly annoyed at the interruption, but curios, because it's unlike the older girl to find her.

"Hyeju, we did something bad."


"It was mostly Yeojin's doing. I swear."

"Um," She lifts her eyebrow, "okay?" Them committing something bad doesn't concern her, Son Hyeju is not the person you go to to fix your problems.

The older girl offers a suspicious meek smile, before clearing her throat to disclose that, "The bad thing we did involves Yerim."


Hyeju frowns, "You know we broke up-"

"I know! But this is bad. Really really bad."

Her face muscles turn stoic, "What did you do?"

"You know how Jinsoul unnie occasionally comes over to tutor us potions?"

She is aware, "And?"

"We kind of fucked up."

The Hufflepuff is getting more shaken the more Hyeju's face remains unreadable, the nervous chuckles giving Hyeju a bad feeling.

"Now, she's unconscious in the infirmary and may or may not be very hurt."

What the hell?

Gladly Yerim wasn't really hurt.

A fact Yeojin had to repeat over and over again to save her own life because Jungeun is close to taking her life.

"It wasn't just me!"

The blonde Gryffindor has a blaze behind her eyes, eyes almost piercing. Her precious cousin could have been seriously harmed, and for that, she waves her wand threateningly. But Kim Jungeun is a respectable head girl and surely will not do anything to harm nor break the rules or school policies, so it holds no real fear on Yeojin (She is scared of Hyeju who hasn't said a word since entering the infirmary).

"How could you let this happen?!" The prefect threateningly points at their other cousin. Jinsoul innocently raising her hands with a chuckle, "I didn't know they were doing it, I went out to the storeroom."

Jungeun huffs at the older girl, "I'm killing all of you."

The situation is almost laughable, Hyunjin and Yeojin lobbing the blame at each other with random jumbles of words and apologies. But to summarize the situation to everyone's understanding: Dumb and Dumber decided it was a good idea to drop their concoction of a potion in Yerim's water, only realizing how serious it was when the girl turns purple then blackouts. Hyeju doesn't understand why they thought it be a good decision and decided to never let them touch any sort of potion ever again. No wonder they kept failing.

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